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AH! Finally, another update! This page is a bit truncated due to the weird layout of the last panel(next page). Thanks for supporting me so I can keep adding to this and ATSG!

That being said, comment below with what you'd like me to do next week:

1.) ATSG Comic Update

2.) Original Comic Update

3.) ATSG Character Update

4.) Weekly Tier Drawing Votes(I might alternate these every other week, so people can still get their tier specific characters!)




Zoidberg say, why not both?! But seriously, I'm loving both, and I kinda wanna see more of the original comic.


Aaahhh I can't decide! Why alternate the two comics every other week? So like, this update will be ATSG and the next will be your original and so on?


That's something I considered! But I would like to give everyone a chance to vote too! I THINK, if I can swing it, I'm going to try to do a double update before the end of this month! <3