Life Update (Read CW) (Patreon)
CW: Attempted suicid3, and other such things
Hey guys, I already made a post about this on Twitter, but I didn’t get the chance to make a post here to keep y’all in the loop.
Yesterday morning, I got a phone call that my brother was being rushed to the hospital because he attempted to take his own life. THANKFULLY, he’s okay now, and he’s finally in a room, after being in the ER most of the day/night. I was making plans this morning to go see him today, only to find out that he’s not allowed to have visitors or a phone. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s a suicide risk, but… yeah. I’m kinda in limbo right now, trying to decide if I should just stay home and try to be productive, or make the drive out there anyway to see if his son/gf need anything, im waiting on a few phone calls before I make my decision.
Unfortunately, the bad news doesn’t stop there. While all of this was happening, I got another call around noon yesterday that my great uncle was deteriorating fast, and they didn’t think he’d make it through the weekend. His circumstances are much different, so even if I could make the trip, I wouldn’t be able to see him, so… many more phone calls. It’s my grandma’s brother, and My late cousin’s dad, so he’s very loved.. it’s a difficult situation. He IS old, and he’s been sick for a while, but it’s never easy.
‘Needless to say, it’s been hectic. It completely derailed my work and other plans. I did have some thumbnails I needed to clean up and post yesterday, but I might not actually get around to them until later. So you MIGHT see me posting some WIP’s or spoiler roughs through the weekend, but even if I can, that might be the extent of it.
Anyway. Wish us luck. And here’s an old pic of me and my clown siblings from my trash wedding. (the long haired twin is the one in the hospital right now-)
can you tell we all have different dads LMAO