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I plan on doing one for Art/Red next because I want to get the main shifters out of the way - since they’d have two forms, not just one - but I’m gonna do a poll after that because I can’t decide if I want to finish all the shifter first, or start some of the humans like Francis or Chris,,,

Art and Red’s sheet is gonna be funny because 1. I have to decide if I’m gonna keep it as Regular Old Red and Art OR do Season Finale Red(Arcturus) and Art and 2. Either way I got, one of these boys is 6ft and the other is almost 8ft SO 

Carmine was considered, but she’s not on screen enough for me to justify making a full sheet for her. and if I did a sheet for EVERY one of Red’s secret identities, I’d have 6 sheets total, aka 18 full bodies, and that’s just not worth it for me. I didn’t make an extra sheet for Lucky’s midform, or his black hole form, sooooo Red’s not getting any special treatment.….actually, saying it out loud, these are technically gonna be their season two looks SO I‘m thinking Art/Arcturus for Red’s. Sounds good. Thanks for the advice djdjdjd




He glows!!! It's not just the t-shirt. Thank you so much for these!