Jaqé + Asking for a favor 😅 (Patreon)
I know this is silly, but I just want to unload something that’s freaking me out rn and ask for a hand if anyone WANTS to help: it’s not an emergency, it’s not something I can’t manage by busting ass on my own, but it would be a big relief to get a little extra help during this new period.
Elias is starting pre-k next week! I’M NOT READY! Naturally, as is my nature with all things, I’m getting the rest of his school supplies at the very last second - because of course I wouldn’t have the awareness to do this before stores are packed with last minut school supply shoppers, who do you think I am! (strangles self) - and I’m about to dish out $500 for his first month of tuition. Shit‘s expensive. And that’s WITH his other parent getting an employee discount.
We also live in Texas and… well. I don’t want to spell it out, but I‘m scared for more than one reason. I don’t wanna talk about that, it’s gonna put me in a panic.
anyway. I don’t have family that I can ask for help with stuff like this, so I’m asking if anyone here wants to throw some change at my ko-fi or grab a comm while they’re still open to help me get him some extra things for school and not have to worry toooo much about that $500/month tuition wringing me dry. NO PRESSURE! Like I said, it’s not an EMERGENCY, it’s just cutting it close and - oh. I also just remembered I have to replace another tire LMAO but it’s fine! Anything helps! It’s all happening all at once, like I didn’t have an entire summer to emotionally prepare or anything!
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A1528OY
Commissions: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfMpwvOx7IhauV0nJyom5J20XY6YJ4zuh_EUtr0pSy20hNirw/viewform
And have some pictures of the boy,,,