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Insatiable was gonna go up today, but your boy had the great luck of coming down with something right before the birthday SO I spent a lot of today in bed/on the couch and it’s looking like I might call it a night early. Tomorrow I have some bday obligations I.. May or may not cancel on, considering I feel like a zombie, but I’ll update y’all on the page tomorrow! Simmer will be up Sunday either way!

I’m walking my dog and I shit you not, someone drove by with a convertible blasting “Like a G6” what in the hell. Live your life, I guess.

Anyway! Hello new patrons and big thanks to my regulars!! This happens sometimes (chronically ill) but not all the time, so bear with me and we’ll be back in schedule in no time! 💖



Your health matters. Take the time, feel better! It's worth the wait!


Feel better soon!! Drink lots of fluids!