The Basalt Columns (Patreon)
The sea crashes against a wall of naturally occurring hexagonal stone columns.
I'm sure we've all been inspired by the sight of basalt columns. They seem to be something fantastical leaking into our own world? Well, this month Rootyful finally added them to our growing collection.
At 32x22, this map has plenty of space amidst its rising columns for a tousle. Watch that you're not knocked into the drink, that you don't slip on the sea-washed stone, and that you're always mindful of the crabs.
Besides crabs, this would be a memorable place to wreck a ship, fight with seagull-harpies, or council with the local mer-people. Do any fun ideas come to your mind? We hope you'll share them in the comments. :)
Additional Patreon Rewards
Thanks to Patrons like you this map is released under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.