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We need your help! Like we did in the last couple years, we've put together a quick quality survey to make sure we're nailing exactly what you want to see in our games. So, we’re here to ask your thoughts and tell us what you like in our games - and what things you think we could improve on.

Your feedback is pure gold to us, and we read every single response. Whether you're loving the steamy scenes, living for the drama, or here for the story - we want to know what makes you tick. The survey is super quick, and your answers will help make our games even better. Plus, who knows? Maybe some of your awesome ideas will show up in future episodes! 

Edit: The survey is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who provided feedback! If you didn’t have time to participate, you can still share your thoughts by emailing us at support@love-joint.com. Thanks again!

Remember: our games are awesome because of players like you. Don't be shy - tell us what you really think! Thank you for your participation.

The Love-Joint Team.
