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To eat or not to eat? That is the question when you're already stuffed to the gills in a stuffing-focused kink picture. We all know the answer is always "Yes." |D

I've also been thinking about tweaking my catgirls' looks a bit, and figured I'd start with Nyka. The edits involve mainly the colour of their cat parts, as you can see here. Nyka's will be closer to orange/red tabby cat whereas Anyssa will have colours similar to a siamese cat.
Whatcha think? :3c




I think that I like her, but that's no news ;3 I generally prefer the hair color to be consistent in catgal designs (as in, fur = hair color), but Nyka's one has never been, for starters, and knowing her quite peculiar creation, I'd say that this is quite fitting! I do like it!

Rhys Lawson

The fact she's the resident plumper kitty and the subtle Garfield reference don't hurt either XD