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Instead of a Pentober picture, I shall post this month's comic today.
Since it's spoopy month, odd things happen around the BB residence. Well, odder than usual. |D

Have a spooky Halloween, everyone! Don't eat too much candy. ;)




Hmmm, I'd say miss friendly sheet is too thin to be Nyka o3o Evie would seem more logical because she doesn't have a cute layer of chub like Nyka does XD ...Still wrong option it seems tho


Ok, I'l admit, I really thought that was Nyka XD And Evie would NEVER dress in a cheap costume like that! >.> <.< Thanks for mentioning her ;D As always, the expressions take the lion's share in this comic, and I find the 2nd to last panel to be particularly funny XD awesome XD


And I forgot: the throwback to the older pictures is a very nice touch ;D