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10월을 후원해주셔서 감사합니다!🙇‍♂️💕

낱장 그림들입니다.

Thank you for supporting October!🙇‍♂️💕

Doodles this time.

얇은 선으로 만화를 그리다가

두꺼운 선으로 손 가는 대로 그리니까 역시 재밌네요.🙄

It's fun to draw thick lines while drawing comics with thin lines. 🙄

만화는 분기점을 지나 나머지 절반을 향해 가고 있습니다 (스케치).

어느 정도 진행이 될 때마다 업로드하도록 하겠습니다.🫡...

The comic has passed the turning point and is heading towards the remaining half (sketch).

I will upload them as I make progress. 🫡...

벌써 겨울이 다가오네요. 다들 감기 조심하시길 바랍니다.

11월은 정신 차리고 열심히 그리도록 하겠습니다.🙇‍♂️💦

Winter is already approaching. Please be careful not to catch a cold.

I will keep my mind up and draw it hard in November. 🙇‍♂️💦

후원해주셔서 정말 감사합니다! Thank you so much for your supporting! 🧡



Kenny Johnson

Great work this month, Woo! I like the nice mix of sexy and funny drawings. Looking forward to seeing more doodles and the comic wips. Stay safe yourself and thanks for all your hard work, see you next month!💕💪


Love the Hilda and Clair drawings. Maybe we'll get lewd Clair in the future?