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Lillie this time.

저번 투희 그림의 반응이 나쁘지 않은 것 같아서 시리즈로 좀 더 그려보았습니다.

여러분의 마음에 드셨기를 바라며... 🙇‍♂️

I think the response what the last Hilda drawing got was not bad, so I drew more it in a series.

I hope you guys like it 🙇‍♂️

이번 달은 이런 2컷 형식을 자주 그릴 것 같습니다.

열심히 그리겠습니다.💪

I think I'll draw this 2-panel format a lot this month.

I'll work hard on it.💪

감사합니다 Thank you!



Kenny Johnson

Always love the ideas you come up with, Woo! The two panel setup is good, so I’m looking forward to seeing what else you give us! Great work and thanks for the hot Lillie drawing!💕🙏


It’s so good! Lillie is such a good onahole ❤️ I wonder what happened to Lusamine though 🤔 Maybe she’s the one that sold Lillie to team rocket


Two panel is very good. You get a lot of action that way.