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Lillie this time.

라노벨스럽게 만들어보았는데 개인적으로 나쁘지 않은 시도였던 것 같습니다.

이 새로운 포맷 그리는 거 생각보다 재밌네요. 😄

I tried making it Light Novel this time and I don't think it was a bad attempt.

Drawing this new format is more fun than I thought. 😄

최근 독감이 유행하던데 모두 조심하시길 바랍니다. 🙇‍♂️

The flu has been going around recently, so please be careful everyone. 🙇‍♂️

감사합니다 Thank you!



Kenny Johnson

Really sexy Lillie, Woo! Love the style you’ve been doing lately! Hope you stay healthy and safe!❤️


I think at this point you should draw another comic.