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Here's my first ever batch of sketch commissions! Posted in random order.

There's more than two of them, as you may have noticed. Weirdly, although I limited the tier to two slots, it ended up with three. Not a problem since I'm going to increase it a bit in the future anyway. The other two out of the five were bonuses for some patrons who were really close to grabbing a slot.

There will be some kind of limit to how many sketch commissions a patron can get in a row before giving it up so someone else has a shot, but I haven't settled on a number yet.

I began drawing these (one at a time) a week into January and finished them within about a week from then, which is pretty much how I wanted it to go.




Gotta get one of those slots for reals next time! Thanks again for being so accommodating. All the sketches came out great!


Awesome work, I'd definitely want to get one of these slots someday ;3


The the comic one a continuation of the water park comic?

Floy Joy

Thanks again, NiP. Hope I can squeeze another one in before 2021. Great work all around. Glad everyone consented to share their commissions.


Rosalind is so God damned cute.

Beta Safe Space

I live by that rule (bigger dick calls the shots)


I hope more people ask for continuations :)

Peter Acorn

The glorious cock and ball image is what I see in my dreams