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Our boy has gotten pretty brave at this point, not even flinching at her size. Totally ready for what's to come. Totally.

I forgot to mention it, but I posted two updates to Family Duties on the blog. Yaoi-themed this time.




So proud of him <3 and so jealous, too

Jariah Synn

I can hear his potatoes beIng mashed already....

Floy Joy

I hope he gets to have another cummy


I love how he was super anxious at the beginning, and now he has a permanent smile on his face :)

Beta Safe Space

Huge fan of this particular character.


Oh man, I can't wait to see where this is going. (Well, I know where her part is going...)

Floy Joy

Skön! Så sexig!

Floy Joy

Min älskade ingen


Who's saying "thank goodness"?