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Vicki will be the latest installment in the Vampi series.  However, it’s going to modify the format a little bit.  It’s also only VERY subtle vampiric, so really anyone can enjoy.

There’s still going to be some opening expo, but it’s going to be a lot more in media res than previous episodes.  It starts with a game trailer, and moves from there.

The action shifts between a few different frames.   That will – hopefully – be clear.  The ways her reality blends into the game is part of the appeal, of course, but I don’t want to JUST be cryptic.  We shift between the trailer and the game and her real life.

This script combines a lot of the previous game lore with the Vampi series.  The references and concepts you see here have happened before – and they will happen again!  I think they’re worth it every time.


Addiction, compulsive video gaming, harlotry, gamification, implied vampirism, mechanical control, mindwarping, dubcon, paternal kinktalk



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