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Paid members will be familiar with this, but this month I'm making it free to read!

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It felt a little strange, standing in her pyjamas and being observed like some kind of show pony. Even so, Ruby Rose stayed still as she had been asked, and watched her best friend circle her. Weiss' icy glare flickered up and down her body, distant and analytical. She would shake her head and tut, with the occasional mutter along the lines of; "No, this won't do at all..."

Ruby looked down at herself, eyebrows raised. She cupped her modest breasts to lift her cropped vest for a better view - as far as she could tell, things were going pretty well. A cobbled road of solid muscle was laid out before her, as defined in the tiny triangles of straited definition beneath her chest as it was in those harder to build lining beneath her navel. Her ten pack abs were chiselled into her petite frame like some kind of brutal marble carving. Her upper obliques gave her the impression of thick, jagged claws reaching around her body to grab at the abs between them. Her lower obliques, largest and thickest of her muscles, swelled and tightened with her steady breaths. Weiss cleared her throat loudly, and Ruby looked up to find them almost nose to nose. The shorter girls face was like a porcelain doll, pale, flawless and delicate, but her expression was fierce. She spoke in her usual haughty tone, snapping, "What are you so happy about?"

With the attitude of a naughty schoolgirl, smirking and barely able to contain a laugh, Ruby shrugged and gave a little nod, a gesture at herself that said quite loudly, if without words: "You've seen me. Right?"

Unamused, Weiss didn't look down, nor did she blink. She stood with her shoulders hunched, back straight, slim neck out. Grace came naturally to her every movement. "And you think this is good enough?"

"It was good enough to make you nearly faint when you saw my progress the first time, remember?" Ruby giggled. She watched a pink hue flood the other girl's cheeks and ears.

But Weiss had a sharp retort to wipe the smile from the cocky girls' face, "But not good enough to beat your sister, is it?" Ruby deflated, a touch and sighed but as she pictured Yang, a dreamy smile crossed her face. Her older sister was everything she wanted to be - brave, bold, beautiful, and above all else...

Stacked and absolutely ripped.

It was a near impossible challenge to beat her, but Ruby had been throwing everything she had into it since Yang first started strutting around in her sports bra and showing off that ridiculous... twelve-pack? Or was it more now? Ever optimistic, Ruby was rarely disheartened for long. Yang excited and inspired her. Weiss could see the change in her as she watched the girls mind race. Her body straightened, her muscles sharpened, and she grinned, "Not yet."

"Not ever, without my help." Weiss snapped, "I mean, it's silly, really - I don't even know why you're doing this, but if you are, you might as well do it right." as Weiss stuck up her nose, she kept side-eyeing Ruby's midsection. "Besides, Blake's being unbearable! I mean, she hasn't said anything - but I can tell." It seemed unlikely that Blake had said a word, but when Weiss worked herself up, she could infer an insult out of almost anything. Weiss continued, her voice more high pitched the longer she spoke, "I mean, you know she just wants to brag about how her girlfriends' abs are better than mi-"

Both girls seized up, hearts stopping. Both suddenly found it very difficult to talk. Weiss now looked as pink as the polka dots on Ruby's shorts.

"You can try it. Training me, I mean." Ruby said bashfully, shrugging. "But I've been going really hard - I don't know what you could possible add on."

Weiss' chuckle made Ruby feel like somebody had trickled ice water down her back.



Such a sweet prelude. I’m eager to read more, both the brutal training and the romance.