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Thank you for all your kind comments on the opening animation! The public version is also well-received, so I'm really excited about that. Time to get back to work on finishing Chapter 6!

- Punipen

As always, this report will become public after around 90 days

Link to Important Information



Neri Games TV +

The game is turning out so beautiful, I love the new forest spirits, they look cute and make me want to hug them. I hope to see the full OP very soon.


Yeahhhhhhh 🫶🫶🫶🫶


That's great!! I am looking forward to it. I am sure there will be excited events await XD


The game is turning out to be a work of magnificent art. I’ve followed this game since the first release and I’m so happy with how far the game has come, truly amazing! That opening teaser was also beautiful! Truly makes you think that the game is like an anime or from a hoyoverse game!


I've only been following this project for a few months but I already fell in complete love with it. I really am looking forward to it and I wish the very best with everything!!

thomas seymour

as i've said before, I would absolutely watch an anime version of kemo coliseum <3 the work is looking great!

thomas seymour

who's been your favorite character to make so far?


where can i download the patreon version?


Please follow the instructions here: https://www.dudedlestudio.com/patreon/kemocoliseum/kemocoliseum-patrondownloadinstructions.html Please also check the Important Info page from the link in the post to see if any of the questions you may have have been addressed already. - Punipen


It's hard to pick one as I love all of them! Imagining how Volga would interact with each of them in a similar scenario is fun for me, which is one of the reasons why the date system is like what it currently is. - Punipen