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Main Post

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all doing well. Just like with last months feature focus update there is going to be a lot of stuff I need you to test, even more so this time as there is also a new scene and this feature has a lot of new code which is very complex. I’ve got a quick couple of things to go through with you and the ill go on to everything that’s new.

Lots Of Bugs - I’m going to say this here so everyone sees it but I do expect there to be quite a few bugs with this update, especially with the new C*mshot feature. So if you do find any bugs please do let me know and if you want to use the feature fully try to be like calm with it, don’t try to do too much with it all at once. I expect most the bugs will come from trying to use it while also trying to use there features like he squ*rting, F*ta, Outfits etc. I will try and get it working with all of these but I think it will be a process of finding out where it doesn’t work first then fixing it.

Feature Focus Poll Going Forward - This new feature has been quite a big one, I knew it would be big but didn’t expect it to take up as much time as it did, and with the addition of a new scene as well I haven’t been able to take as much time over each of them as I would have liked. So the plan going forward is for the months that have a scene poll, the options for the feature focus will be slightly easier to allow me to do both the new feature and new scene in the same update. The months that have a character poll (Like this month) will remain the same as the character gets added a different update to the new feature. Let me know what you think thought but personally I think this is a better way going forward. It will also allow some of the smaller features that don’t get as many votes to be added.

Updates To Android - Over the last couple of months a few people have said when trying to install they get a message saying the game was made for an older device, I think I know what was causing this and have updated it, but if you are on android and get any message when trying to install that is similar to this please let me know.

New Scene (Jack O Pose)

Starting off with the new scene, there was a a lot of things I was messing around with in this scene trying to get them look just right and with that came a lot of things I tried that I couldn’t decide between. For most things I tried to ask around and see what looked best but for some people were split both ways. For those I have left in all the options I tried and you will be able to pick between them. Those are :

  • Changing head position

  • Regular speed slider or control Guy/Girl individually

  • Change between two guy animation and also a D*ldo option

This is the head tilt thing was mainly added because I couldn’t tell what looks best and what people might like, personally I like the one where the head is most upright, I know it doesn’t make perfect sense with the way the body is but I just like having the head upright. I know some people might not like this though so I have added 2 more options. One that is a lot more tilted down to the ground and then one that is kind of in-between. You will be able to click the arrows button on the right to toggle between this and it should save between all the characters.

Another thing I couldn’t decide on is what I wanted behind the girl. Originally it was the guy but some people didn’t like that so I choose to add a kind of D*ldo option that also moves in time with the girl (I'm not 100% sure on having it move, i got have it be still if you'd rather). I also wasn’t too happy with the guys animation as it didn’t really sync up the best with the girl so I have added a second option, which from what I can tell people enjoy more.

Anyway onto the more fun stuff, this scene has quite a lot going on and I have tried to get everything you are used to in order scenes added to it from the start. So you’ll have the speed slider.


B*ob Sizes

And outfits, for the outfits I would like to get some different kinds of leg wear added so hopefully I can in the coming updates of if the outfits win the feature focus poll.

For the characters I have managed to get 20 added so far and will try and get the rest added as soon as possible :)

One cool thing that I am very happy with to do with this scene is a new kind of quest, instead of just having it be use your coins to buy something and then level up and you unlock the scene, this quest line has a bit more to it where you actually have to do something.

For now I have kept the puzzle very simple but in the future, if you do find these mini games fun I could make them a bit more complex or have different kind of things instead of solving a puzzle you have to drag object around to match up etc. I just think its a bit more fun that some of the previous quests but let me know what you think.

New C*mshot Feature

Now this is where I expect most of the bugs to be and I’ll go through each of the scenes individually to try and point out where things could go wrong and try and help you to use it. On that note I do want this to be a very user friendly thing to use so if you do get confused how to use it at any point please do let me know and I can try and make it easier to understand.

Read This - The main thing I would like you to look out for it C*mshots interacting weirdly with outfits. I have tried to make it so outfits I don’t think it will work with will auto get toggled off but if there are any other ones that look weird please let me know and I’ll set them up to turn off.

Going Forward With This Feature

So this scene has been a lot bigger and more complicated than I thought and with that has come a lot of things I would like you to test out before I move on to the other scenes. I’m going to say this feature is kind of in early testing as there’s still a lot with it I want to change and improve upon but that will be coming soon. There have been 3 scenes added so far and each of them has been added in a slightly different way. I would lover to hear which one you think is best and I explain them more each in the sections below. There is also a lot of things I would like to improve upon with this feature but didn’t have as much time this update to really refine it. After adding the Rev C*wgirl (Back) I realised it look better if the kind of puddles where a bit smaller. For this scene I did add some different looks to it that you can pick from but when we deiced what looks best and the direction this feature should go I can remove the others ones and fully focus everything on one way.

There’s also lots of things I still want to add to this feature so I will be giving it a one month break from the feature focus poll, like I’ll do with all the winners and then it will be back in next months and we can go from there. Some things I would like to add to it are.

  • Improved Audio For The Girl

  • Improved C*mshot Look For Some Of Them

  • Adding More Customise Settings

  • More Scenes And Locations

  • Anything Else You Suggest

After adding it to these three scenes there’s a a lot of ideas I’ve had for ways to improve how the code runs and how the C*mshots look but its just a learning process and this feature will hopefully get better over time :D

Hole 1

This is the scene that is going to give you the most amount of freedom and therefore I expect most of the bugs to be in this one. For it I have gone with allowing you to C*m anywhere on the screen however if its on a body part then when the animations restarts it will have to be removed. Other than that it will stay where it lands also allowing you to C*m on the screen if you have that enabled.

For this one I haven’t added as much customisation to it yet as I want to trial that out with the M*ssionary V2 scene first but if it works well I will be able to add things like the “Hand Free Random Location Selector” or the ability to customise the sound effects for it.

Speaking about sound effects there is no sound for the actual C*mshot but im wondering if you would like to have one, I can try and find a sound that matches it and of course will give you the option to turn it off if you don’t want the sound.

M*ssioanry V2

This is the second (of 3) way of adding the C*mshot feature in that gives you a little less control over exactly where the C*m lands, it will always land in the same spot of the location you select, however because it does that it allows me have the C*m stay when the animation restarts which I think is worth not being able to select the exact location.

For this scene I have also added a full settings menu that will show up on the right after enabling the C*mshot (There will be a new icon with a settings gear in it). When you click this you will then be able to change things like if you want it to randomly select the location, if it should auto go back to the animation and how long it should wait before doing that. If you want the C*m shadow and a few other things. If all these settings work well I can add them to the Hole 1 but hopefully they are a nice thing for you to customise this just how you like.

*This GIF has had its speed increased

The bugs I could see happening in this scene will be to do with other variables such as the Outfits, Pr*g and F*ta. If you use any of these and notice it interacting weirdly with he C*mshots do let me know and I’ll try and get it fixed.

Rev C*wgirl (Back)

This scene probably had the most added to it as while I was doing it I wanted to try some different looks to the actual C*mshots themselves. I stuck with the original one that everyone voted for in the poll but then added two other options (Regular and Droplets) which have the Cm finish in a different way. This scene also goes one C*mshot at a time which is different from M*ssionary V2 which ad all 3 variations play when you click a location. I think this way does work better than all 3 at once but I still think Hole 1 is the most fun to use even if some has to be cleaned when the animation restarts.

In the images below you can see how the different variations of the C*mshot look once they are finished.

One other thing is the M*aning. Now I don’t really have any audio set up for the characters that perfectly match this yet so I have gone with the kind of cr*ampie audio for now until I get something better sounding set up. Like with the other stuff though you are able to toggle it off if you would rather not hear the sounds.

Finally my personal opinion about which one is best. I originally thought the Hole 1 version would be quite hard to add to the other scenes and also that it was kind of annoying the C*m had to be removed when he animation restarts, however after playing with all of them having the ability to pick exactly where you want the C*m to go and to be able to do of much of it as you want to quite a fun thing to do. I also now think I will be able to add this version to every scene and get it to work well but it really up to you which ones you prefer. So if you do have time please let me know which one you like best (Hole 1, M*ssionary V2, Rev C*wgirl (Back))

Characters Added To Scenes + Still Images

As this was a feature focus update, and quite a big one, I haven’t had much time to add characters to scenes and add any more still images but I did manage to get some characters added to the Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2.

I have also managed to get a still image for Android 21 done which is nice and will probably have a Mitsuri and Lola B one done for next update.

Anyway I hope you like all the new stuff. There is still a lot I want to add, particularly with the C*mshot feature, but once I know its all working I can start adding things to make it a bit nicer.

Last thing, over the next couple of weeks I will be asking around to see what scenes C*mshot is the best in order to give me a better idea for the direction I should go with it if it wins a future feature focus poll. If you would like to let me know which one you think is best you can either message me or comment and ill be happy to read it.

Let me know if you have any suggestions though or if there are any problems, Thank You :D

Update Notes

  • New Features

    • New Scene (Jack O Pose)

      • New Minigame Quest Line

      • Two Different Speed Sliders (Normal & Individual)

      • 3 B*ob Sizes

      • Outfits

      • Change Head Position (3 Options)

      • 2 Guy Body Animations 

      • D*ldo Options (Instead Of Guy)

      • Characters

        • Velma

        • Samus

        • Zeld

        • Raven

        • Sam

        • Gwen S

        • Harley Q

        • Peach

        • Jinx

        • Android 18

        • Rias G

        • Luka

        • ElastiGirl

        • Frankie F

        • Jessica R

        • Gwen TDI

        • Rebecca

        • Tsuande

        • Gardevoir

        • Albedo

    • New C*mshot Features

      • Hole 1

        • Select Any Location Exactly 

        • Multiple C*mshots

        • Full Control Over Where They Go And How Many

        • 3 Different C*mshot Variations Per Location

        • C*mshot Audio (Can Be Turned Off In Settings)

      • M*ssionary V2

        • 5 C*mshot Locations

        • Each Location Has 3 C*mshot Animation

        • C*mshots Stay When Returning To Animation

        • C*mshot Audio (Can Be Turned Off In Settings)

        • Full Settings Menu

          • Random C*mshot (Choose Which Locations)

          • Auto Go Back To Animation

          • Toggle And Edit Shadow

          • Audio Toggle

      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)

        • 3 Locations

        • 3 Different Kinds Of C*mshots (Regular, Puddle, Droplets)

        • Each Location Has 3 C*mshot Animation

        • C*mshots Stay When Returning To Animation

        • C*mshot Audio (Can Be Turned Off In Settings)

        • Full Settings Menu

          • Random C*mshot (Choose Which Locations)

          • Auto Go Back To Animation

          • Toggle And Edit Shadow

          • Audio Toggle

    • Mirko Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

      • An*l

      • 12 B*ob Sizes/Variations

      • Outfits

      • Pr*g

    • Ahsoka Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

      • An*l

      • 12 B*ob Sizes/Variations

      • Outfits

      • Pr*g

    • Starfire Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

      • An*l

      • 12 B*ob Sizes/Variations

      • Outfits

      • Pr*g

    • Shego Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

      • An*l

      • 12 B*ob Sizes/Variations

      • Outfits

      • Pr*g

    • Yoruichi Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

      • An*l

      • 12 B*ob Sizes/Variations

      • Outfits

      • Pr*g

    • Marceline Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

      • An*l

      • 12 B*ob Sizes/Variations

      • Outfits

      • Pr*g

    • Poison Ivy Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

      • An*l

      • 12 B*ob Sizes/Variations

      • Outfits

      • Pr*g

    • Android 21 Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

      • An*l

      • 12 B*ob Sizes/Variations

      • Outfits

      • Pr*g

    • Still Images

      • Android 21 B*objob

        • 4 Variations

  • QOL

    • Extra neck part added to Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

    • Fix For Newer Android Devices When Installing The Game

  • Bug Fixes

    • Hole 2 Loading Character Text Size Fix

    • Hole 2 Loading Percentage Shown As Whole Numbers

    • Character Outfits Showing Up In Their Own Scene In Unique Outfits Section (B*objob Scene)

    • Dva D*ggy Scene Head Size Reduction

    • Dva B*objob Head Position Fix

    • Yorha 2B And Mitsuri D*ggy Bush Fix

    • Kim P Hole 2 Outfit Overlap Fix

    • F*otjob Character Switch Name Fix

    • Marceline F*otjob Loading Fix

    • Gwen Stacy Head V2 Size Fix In Multiple Scenes

    • Lola, Loona etc M*ssionary V2 Fta C*m Fix

    • Jessica R Sk*rt Fix Hole 1

    • Jack O Each Head Position Is Specifically Place For Each Character Instead Of Being Generic

    • Jack O Neck Overlap Fix

    • Jack O Head Positions Fixed

    • C*mshot M*ssionary V2 Scaling Fix

    • Jack O D*ldo Animation Fix

    • Jack O Hair Fix

    • Jack O Toggle Off All Speed Changers

    • Hole 1 B*ob Colour Fix

    • M*ssionary V2 Sync Fix For Some Parts

    • C*mshot Settings Font Size Fix

    • M*ssionary V2 C*mshot Shadow Fix

    • Hole 1 C*mshot Toggle Fix

    • Android Hole 1 C*mshots Fix



Ananasik _ Beach

Hello, tell me what to do, I bought a subscription but nothing has changed in the game


Hey dotart just seen this update if I'm being honest I'm pretty impressed with what you've done with this update so far. You literally thought of every slight detail like (head tilt, movement variations including a d*ldo variation, speed sliders with the characters) and everything else for the new pose and yeah just Wanted to say I'm proud of what you've managed to accomplish and figure out. You're getting better

Izak Abril

this update is hot

Jonathan Keith

I hope we can get some clothing options for the handjob and blowjobs next. I want some gloves :P


Honestly im impressed by this whole game and how much has been improved since the beginning. I can’t wait to test out the update when im home


Best update yet. I hope to see cumshots in all scenes eventually.

Matthew Joberns

they will be coming, have had some good suggestions already of how to improve it so ill be doing that first as theres still a lot i want to do, but once im happy with how they look and feel i will start adding them to more scenes

Matthew Joberns

thank you very much, i hope its as good as it looks in the post :) this new feature is still early days so it will be getting a lot of improvements in the coming updates

Matthew Joberns

oooo yes i do have some sketches done so could try and get some done, outfits will also be an option i this months feature focus poll and i do hope it does well

Matthew Joberns

thank you glad you're liking the new scene a bit more now :) are the WIP i did try and think of as many ways to improve it as possible and kind of just left in all the different ways for you to pick from as some people might like one more than the other :D


Com on the feet is amazing You have no idea how much i love this 💞


do i download the update here or on itch to get the exclusives?


Is this update available on mobile cuz I can't seem to find the update on itch


is there a way to unlock everything?


Hi, when you can get to fj animations , like new feet look (more realistic) new poses etc :3 also ty for your job <3


I'm from new grounds and have no clue what I'm doing. how do I access the patreon only stuff?

Matthew Joberns

yes in the post above are the download. just download it from here for your device and it should work :)

Matthew Joberns

ooo yeh could do some more options for them in that scene and thank you glad you like it. I also have some ideas for some new poses


When i dl new version, can i delete other without risk to delete my save ?


yes , please - it deleted my save file and making all the same again is meh


Hey dot. So I'm having an issue with downloading the new update. So I'm on android and I currently have 76 and I tried to install 77 and I followed l the instructions correctly. However, when I click into the game it still says 0.1.76. So I not sure if it's a bug but I'm having issues getting the new update.

oscar leimbach

hey when I download using the mega link it keeps downloading the 1.74 update no the 1.77 is this an issue everybody else is experiencing

Matthew Joberns

when you download the new update do you run the file that you just downloaded, that will update the game

Matthew Joberns

what happened with your save and what device are you on? like did you lose it when updating or something?


So I tried to install the file and it look like it was about to install. Now it's saying app not Installed and I do have the application.

Matthew Joberns

ahhh ok yeh that means it didn't update. don't delete the app from your home screen as thats where the save is stored, instead in the post here there is a link for troubleshooting. This is quite a common problem and theres an easy fix there. If you struggle with it though you can message me and i'll help :)


Oh ok I think I finally fixed it. It was due to storage so I managed to get it working. I do appreciate you responding back.

oscar leimbach

yes but when I do click on the actual game it says that it is on the 1.74 version


On PC and honestly not sure what happened to it had been a while since i played but it was gone


More of Charlie the receptionist 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Maybe you could put Cynthia from Pokemon Pearl and Diamond in the next poll, I think a lot of people would want her in the game


Yumi has a fantastic point

Inboard Horizon

I know im probably in the minority here but the app freaks the fuck out on foldable devices im specifically on a fold 5 if that helps

Inboard Horizon

Also a tab for scenes would be cool like u click the scene you want and it shows all characters that scene is available with kinda like the character screen is now but reversed unless that's already a thing and im stupid

Matthew Joberns

what device are you on? if you're on android make sure you're running the apk thats downloaded in order to update

Matthew Joberns

ahhh yeh XD i don't have a fold phone so wouldn't know but i would guess it might not work the best for it. What exactly happens as it might be something to do with the fact i have it set to always be landscape. I could add an option to turn this off and that might help

Matthew Joberns

i don't know if you've tried it yet but theres a scroll wheel in all the scenes that lets you switch between any character or scene from the one you're in

peter parker

I am on samsung fold 5 as well, i never had issues however. Maybe it is a problem in your device specifically.