Progress Report - November + Character Theme Poll
- Halloween 1454
- Christmas 606
Hey everyone, I hope you’re all excited for the new stuff coming this month. I’ll quickly go through the polls I have palled out and then there is also a poll now at the bottom of this post for you to vote on the character them for this month.
Halloween Or Christmas Theme
This month is going to have a Halloween or Christmas themed character poll as last month it didn’t win the vote. I have got some characters drawn up for both of these and will show you a few of them below
I hoping for each of these to have around 5 characters for you to vote on as its kind of hard to find enough to fit into each of the theme. Hopefully a smaller amount of characters might make the poll closer though so we’ll have to see.
The dates these get added will be different as well. If the Halloween wins I will get that characters added at the start of next month, if the Christmas wins I will get it added for the mid month update next month so its close to Christmas.
F*rry Character Poll
There will be two character polls this month, the first one will be for whatever theme wins from above. The next will be a F*rry character poll. Here are some of the options I have ready.
I will be adding the character that wins from this poll in the update that does have either the Halloween or Christmas character next month if that makes sense.
Both of these character polls will take place on the 16th this month going through to the 27th
Outfit Feature Focus
Last month I had a feature focus poll where the outfits option won but it was a very close battle. What I will be focusing on for the outfits is trying to get as many added to different scenes as possible, wether that’s unique or generic outfits.
Here are some examples for some unique ones in different scenes.
I would also like to get some added to the D*epthroat V2 as that doesn’t have any unique ones yet and could be a good one to add the use all outfits on any character feature in the future.
Following on from that, the scene that is going to be getting the use any outfit with any character feature is the Hole 3 scene which I added some outfits to last update. I will try and get some more outfits added to this scene as well as it will be nice to have a big batch of them ready for when this feature gets added.
On the 7th this month, along with the WIP, I will have a poll where you can vote for which outfits you would like to see and I will add them in order from most votes getting as many done in the time I have as possible.
New Scene
The new scene is coming along very well and is on track to be added in the mid month update. I have been asking around which animation sync look best and most people said the one below looks the best.
I hoping for the WIP I will have a base colour animation to show you which should look pretty nice.
For this scene it will be getting the generic leg wear and p*nts that most of the newer scenes have been getting but after that I can start adding some of the other outfits.
This scene also looks like it would be a good one to add an*l too in the future so let me know if that’s something you would be interested in. I would probably add it as part of the “Scene Things” option for the feature focus poll.
Still Images This Month
The still image I have set to do for the mid month update is going to be for Aqua & Albedo as I have been wanting to get this one done for a while now.
However the two that will be coming in the update after that could be any and I would love to hear any suggestions you have for characters/positions.
At the moment I have this one done for power and also another one im working on that’s a front facing th*ghjob one but let me know if there’s another positions for a different characters you’d like to see. Maybe Shego or Yorha 2B?
Feature Focus Poll This Month
For this months feature focus poll I am going to be removing the outfit option which will be staying out for at least a couple of months in order to give some of the other options a chance. From what we saw in the last poll though the “Scene Things” will probably win as it did quite well, unless the people that voted outfit want something else. If that does win though then both the outfit and scene things options will be removed for a couple of months giving some of the other options more of a chance.
Hopefully this works out better than removing the options only for a months it would be nicer to have some other features focused on. Particularly the audio stuff which I know a lot of people would like to see.
Body Shape Slider
If you have seen the update post you will have seen the a*s size slider for Hole 3, this is a kind of trial to see how well this code works and to make sure there are no performance issues with it. If it all goes smoothly this should allow me to change different parts of the character, to a certain extent, making the characters each look just that bit different.
This is still early stages though so it needs a lot more testing, but please let me know if you notice anything weird happening or if there are any performance changes at all in the game.
Thank You :D for you support though at let me know what you think of all this and if you have any feedback