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Main Post

Hey Everyone, I hope you’re all having a good start to the month and are excited for this update. The main thing I think you’re all going to enjoy is of course the new character, however there are also a few other cool things for you to take a look at if you weren’t interested in Ranni :)

New Character Ranni + Quest Line

I’ll start off with the quest line as this is probably the thing I need the most help with difficulty wise as its kind of a follow on from the Chun Li quest which was a turn based combat system. For this one I have increased the health of Ranni by quite a bit compared to you but for you I have given you the ability to buy some health potions in order to heal when you get low and also the option to buy a better weapon that will increase the amount of damage you can do. 

These things obviously need fine tuning to make sure the quest is hard, but not impossible. I have increased the difficulty from the Beta so it should be a bit harder, you still should be able to do it with no health potions and the worst weapon but you might need to get a bit lucky for that to happen. Let me know what you think thought I can always change the difficulty.

Anyway on to the scenes she has been added to, like with all the other characters I have added her to the first 12 or so scenes with the rest hopefully coming next update, however this time there is another character I will be adding next update as well as long a the “Scene Things” feature focus so I may only be able to add Ranni to a few more scene next time as there’s a lot of other stuff ill be working on.

Another thing I have added with her though is the ability to take her hat off, this will save across all her scenes although if there are some scenes you think would be better without the hat altogether I can have it toggled off in those, one of these I was thinking was the D*epthroat V2 as the hat kind of gets in the way a bit.

This is how it looks in some of the other scenes without the hat, there is also a bit more detail I would like to add to the hat. She has a kind or spiral thing that goes around the outside so I’ll see if I can get that added in soon.

I also got a few people asking for the cracks on her face, i did ask around a bit more to see what people would like and it was very even so what i have done is add it as a toggle button that will appear in her scenes at the bottom of the option on the right. I will try and think of a better way to set this up as at the moment you use that button for the cracks and then the head redesign button to change toggle her hat so there could be a better system.

Finally her four arms, I spoke about this when she was actually in the poll but I’ll say it here as well incase anyone missed it. Ranni is supposed to have four arms however getting that added to every scene she’s in will be very hard to do in time for this update so the plan is to kind of think of her four arms like a unique outfit. I will be getting some sketches done for them in some scenes and then adding them to scenes as I add other outfits meaning you will also be able to toggle them on and off as you please. Hopefully this is ok with you as if I was going to add her arms now I think I would have only been able to get her added to a few scenes this update.

Unique And Generic Outfits

For this update with the unique outfits I wanted to follow on from the D*epthroat V2 stuff as adding more of them would have the added benefit now of being able to use them with any character. 

The characters i chose were following down the list of the outfit poll towards the start of the month so hopefully you are happy with all of these.

Here is what they will look like with some of the other characters.

I’ll keep going with this scene if people like it however I’m also getting some more sketches done for the M*ssionary V2 scene so if you’d like me to add some more to that I can and while i'm at it I can update the outfit code so in the future it will work with the use outfits with ant character feature.

Now onto the generic outfits, I showed 4 sketches to some outfits in the Hole 3 scene last update just to see what people though and a lot of people liked two of them so I have done both of them.

Each of these outfits has been split into quite a few parts which can all be toggle on and off as you please and should work with other parts from other outfits.

Finally Save/Load Outfit Presets, this has been broken for a long time now due to the amount of outfits in scenes getting too big for the old outfits system that most of the scenes use. I would like to start getting this feature working again with the new outfit system that some of the scenes use. This will only work in the scenes that have the new outfit system (D*epthroat V2, B*objob, Hole 3). Let me know if there are any problems with it and if its all good i'll start working on the other scenes.

Characters Added To Scenes

This is just a small one for now but I have added a few more characters to the Jack O scene as its been a while since I added any to it. I think moving forward with this scene i’m going to be focusing on getting Mirko, Yoruichi etc added next.

I also had a bit of extra time to add some more characters to the Legs Spread scene so got 5 more added there. I will keep adding more next update depending how much time I have with the new character and feature focus stuff.

I'll keep this in this section as it kind of fits with the scenes but I have also added all the backgrounds now to the Leg Spread scene which is quite nice. I think these all look amazing but let me know if there’s any problems like the wrong background being selected.

A second note to add onto this, I would like to add some desk movement similar to how it works in the M*ssionary scenes but ill have to see if I can get it looking good as there might be some problems based of the angle of everything.

New Character Head Designs - Samus & Rebecca

Like with most of the updates this time of the month I try to get a couple of character head designs, even though they don’t do that well in the feature focus poll XD I still think its quite a nice thing to do and also overall helps me improve my character head drawing fro future characters which is a really good thing as I think a lot of the newer characters look so much better.

Anyway for this update I have first gone with a redesign for Samus as that seemed to be the one most people wanted. I think it looks a lot better and more like her but let me know what you think. You will also still be able to use the old one if that’s the one you prefer.

Moving onto the next character, it was very close between Albedo and Rebecca but from what I saw Rebecca was wanted just a bit more. I will be getting Albedo done for the next one if she’s still the most wanted but I have some other character heads that I’ll show you in the progress report:)

Basically for a while now some western characters have been very hard to add to scenes and add to the game, this is characters where their jaw kind of joins into the body Eg Marge & Leela. It’s still possible to add them just makes it a bit harder and also makes them not look as good in some scenes. Now my plan to help with this a bit is to add a head Redesign option that’s a more anime style. This will not replace the original design so don’t worry about that Marge will keep her main design and when Leela gets added she will also have her show looking version however for people that may not like the way these look and also to get them looking better in some scenes this could be a good alternate version.

This is the first try at doing it for marge, I have done it with her hair down, tried to keep things like her nose, I may try and make her face shape a bit more like it is from the show although its hard also have a proper jaw. Anyway let me know what you think, this isn’t a 100% thing this was more of a trial to so what’s possible so just let me know.

Still Images + Image Animations

This update is going to come with 2 still images and 2 image animations.

For the still image that is power with 4 variations for you to switch between.

For Judy she has the usual outfit variations.

For the image animation I have gone with one of the Moxxi images & the Yor Forger image. I am still working on learning how’s best to do these, with this one I was messing around with the timing and speed of things to see how good I can get it looking and I think its and improvement on some of the other ones. 

For Yor Forgers i tired to keep her outfit fully on which i think has worked quite well for this one, although for Moxxi's i did have to toggle off some parts.

The aim with this, like with the head designs, is to just keep improving upon the skill and learning new stuff which will help me in other aspects of the game. If there are any other images you’d like me to try this with let me know. Less complex images will be best for now while i’m still practicing and learning :D

Misc Stuff + QOL

The main thing for this I spoke about in the WIP is the head slider now instead of the set positions, you can change the exact tilt of it to whatever you like.

If this works well I can add this to the Jack O scene to see how well it does there and then also maybe add it to some of the older scenes. I don’t know how cool of a feature you think this is but if you want too see it in some other scenes let me know as I don’t think it should be too hard to add.

Other QOL stuff is just performance fixes and updating how some stuff loads to make it a bit smoother. I have made a lot of updates to code so if you notice any problems with features that weren’t in previous updates please let me know :)

Thank You Again For All Your Support :D

Update Notes

  • New Features

    • New Character Ranni

    • New Quest Line (Combat Quest)

    • 120+ Seconds Of Audio

    • Cracks Option

    • Scenes

      • Hole 1

      • M*ssionary V2

      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)

      • D*ggy

      • P*ep Hole

      • H*ndjob

      • D*epthroat V2

      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)

      • On Side

      • F*ngering (Side)

      • F*ngering (Front)

      • Shower

      • Hole 2

    • Carrot Jack O

      • Head Position

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Guy Toggle

    • Mrs McPherson Jack O

      • Head Position

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Guy Toggle

    • Mitsuri Jack O

      • Head Position

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Guy Toggle

    • Vault Girl Jack O

      • Head Position

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Guy Toggle

    • Aqua Legs Spread

      • Depth Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Head Position

    • Tatsumaki Legs Spread

      • Depth Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Head Position

    • Power Legs Spread

      • Depth Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Head Position

    • Mercy Legs Spread

      • Depth Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Head Position

    • Chun Li Legs Spread

      • Depth Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Head Position

    • New Outfits

      • Latex Hole 3

        • Top

        • Sk*rt

        • Str*ps

        • Legwear (Shoes)

      • Dress Top Hole 3

        • Top

        • Jacket

        • Shoes

      • Tatsumaki D*epthroat V2

        • Dress

      • Gwen TDI D*epthroat V2

        • Top

        • Sk*rt

        • LegWear

      • Chun Li D*epthroat V2

        • Top

        • LegWear

        • Wrist Bands

      • Aqua D*epthroat V2

        • Sk*rt

        • Top

        • Sleeves

        • LegWear

      • Sam D*epthroat V2

        • Shirt

        • Trousers

      • Velma D*epthroat V2

        • Jumper

        • Sk*rt

    • New Head Designs

      • Samus V2 (All Scenes)

      • Rebecca V2 (All Scenes)

    • Still Images

      • Power Top Lift

        • 4 Variations

      • Judy H D*ggy

        • 4 Variations

      • Moxxi D*ggy Image Animation

      • Yor Forger Th*ghjob Image Animation

    • New Backgrounds (Legs Spread On Desk)

      • Office

      • Bamboo

      • RLD

      • Dragon

      • Titans

      • HB

      • Lava

  • QOL

    • Legs Spread On Desk Head Position Change Updated To Slider

    • Hole 3 Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code

    • Jack O Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code

    • Legs Spread Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code

    • B*objob Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code

    • D*epthroat V2 Save/Load Outfit Presets Fixed And Updated To New Code

  • Bug Fixes

    • Shower Against Glass Big B*obs Position Fix

    • D*epthroat V2 Unique Overlapping Fix

    • Hole 3 Unique Overlapping Fix

    • B*objob Unique Overlapping Fix

    • Hole 3 Toggles Correct Outfit

    • Unique Outfit Across All Characters Buttons Updated

    • Reception Bell Hint

    • Rev C*wgirl (Back) And B*objob Pan/Zoom Fix

    • Loona, Roxy Etc Fixed D*epthroat V2

    • Samus H*ndjob Head Position Fix

    • Gwen TDI, Aqua, Chun Li, Tatsumaki D*epthroat V2 Colour Fix

    • Harley Quinn D*epthroat V2 Hair BH Fix

    • Outfit Selector For Any Character “(Soon)” Fix




I reckon Marge becomes less recognisable as Marge with her hair down! But that's just me! Keep up the good work !

Matthew Joberns

yeh i did think that as well, i can try change her head shape and maybe try a way with her original hair, this is more of a trial thing to see what i can do. Thank you though :D


Updates are great! I was thinking about the scenes and which scene I would add next… I think a POV blowjob scene in the girl's bedrooms with different variations of sucking would be amazing! With our lucky guys abs and thighs on the bottom of the screen maybe sitting on the bed and then the view of her upper body on her knees. The variations could be with/without both tongue/hands, licking the tip, and then depth of throat? We have several vaginal/anal scenes but only one deepthroat position so it'd only be fair 😊


Also was wondering if we could get a head redesign for Power? 🙏🏼🥺

Jonathan Keith

I hope you'll implement the outfits for the handjobs next, I wanna see Albedo giving a handjob in her outfit!

Distort (edited)

Comment edits

2024-12-08 03:33:06 We need more multiple girl scenes 😍
2024-12-08 03:33:06 We need more multiple girl scenes 😍
2024-12-02 15:01:13 We need more multiple girl scenes 😍

We need more multiple girl scenes 😍

Matthew Joberns

yeh thats a really cool idea ill see if i can get a sketch done as another POV scene would be nice to see

Matthew Joberns

i have a sketch for her ready so im gonna see which characters, including her, people would most like to see next

Matthew Joberns

yeh a lot of people have asked for that, i don't know if its best to completely redo that scene first to make the animation better or add some outfits now


Is it possible to get Nami as New caracter anytime soon?^^


Bro is so fast with updates it's insane

Matthew Joberns

there was a small glitch with a couple of Ranni's scene, i have fixed this now but if you downloaded the update before this you may need to redownload it in order for the bugs to be fixed there is also some texture colour glitches in one of the scenes but im going to work on a fix for that for the next update :)


Hey man great work and the head red signs help with immersion, but are you still working out the abs/muscle tones or body/titty differences between characters in the missionary and side scenes? I feel like that would help characters be more distinguishable please


Hey i wanna play on Ipad, is that possible ? Thanks :)


iOS and iPadOS only allow you to install apps from the apple store. You gotta jailbreak your iPad and install an android emulator if you want to play any adult games on it.


How do I re-get my save?… This is the third time I've lost all my progress… 😭😵☠️🏴‍☠️🪦


looks great!, still hoping for the chance of unique/custom panties can get added some time.


Hey idk if it's fixing but a lot of clothes are invisible and some of the word are repeated in the custom side?

Matthew Joberns

yeh i did some abs for a couple of the scenes to see how they go but only for Mirko and Karlach as they were the only characters i think it fits with. The body differences is coming a long as well although that will take quite a bit longer as thats a completely new system. i did test it out in Hole 3 though if you've seen that?

Matthew Joberns

Next character poll will probably be a runners up one from the previous polls as we haven't had one of them for a while. I might try and get it up this month actually along with a scene poll

Matthew Joberns

what device are you on and what exactly happening, if you have discord it might be easier to figure it out there


yeah like some with ones like gstrings and some that correspond with whatever show/game theyre from and i think doggy from below would be nice

Royal Jack

Since updating it seems the game doesn't detect inputs from my oculus 3 controllers. Stuck at the click to continue screen with the 18+ warning


Hello. My phone says it's not compatible but I've played it on this phone before. Not sure why. Is there a ffix ?


Ah I see I had to swap phones so I missed some content between downloads I'm sure


I just progressed through it again.. I turned auto save off. I lost my save while I was messing with the resolution going from full screen to windowed.. I don't know why but that wiped my whole save.

Andres Martinez

Hey, I Bought The Nsfw plus Patreon package but when I click on One Of The Patreon scenes/Girls it Sends me here And I don't know what to do


The Windows vers GDrive got nuked.

Matthew Joberns

hey, so you will need to download the version above and make sure in the bottom left of the main menu it says v0.1.82

Matthew Joberns

hmmm i've never heard of someone using that controller XD whats the device you are connecting it too?