Progress Report - March (Patreon)
Hey everyone, I hope you’re all having a good start to the month. There is a lot of stuff I would like to go over with you about what’s coming and other cool things I have planned but i’m going to start with the new scene as that’s probably the most exciting.
New H*andjob Scene
I talked about this a bit in the last WIP and showed you how the animation was coming along, if you haven’t seen that yet here is how it is looking.
I was also asking about what kind of c*mshot you would like to see and had the idea of kind of moving the d*ck and then having it go on the face. This is a bit more complicated thing to do as it involves some extra animation before the c*mshot actually happens but I think I’ll be able to do it.
This is a very rough sketch of how its going to look, obviously I have just moved the things around to get it in the right position but haven’t filled in the missing areas like the left shoulder etc but when I come to animated this everything will be filled in this is more just to give an idea of how the c*mshot will land.
NOTE - The animation isn’t complete and I still need to work on the timing and movement a bit more to make it smoother
I think this is going to be quite a cool thing to have and probably the perfect scene for it as a lot of people have been asking for c*m on the face.
One other thing with this I can zoom out in order for you to be able to see the whole of the c*mshot. What I can either do is when the c*mshot happens have the camera zoom out so you can see it all or just have it so the c*m goes off the screen at the top but stays fully zoomed in, like it is above, just let me know which you’d prefer.
Here is what it looks like zoomed out.
For the outfits i’m not 100% sure what i’m going to do, I know a lot of people have been asking for gloves and I should be able to do that but then I don’t know what else would really fit well in this scene. If you have any ideas please do let me know and I’ll see if I can get them done.
Outfit Feature Focus
The other main thing i'm going to be working on for the mid month update this month is outfits for scenes and also the use any outfit with any character feature. If you haven’t seen how that feature works this is it in one of the other scenes.
The scenes i’m going to add it to this update are going to be the M*ssionary V2 and the D*ggy Close Up.
As i’m adding this feature to this scenes I thought the best thing to focus on outfit wise would be unique outfits in both of these scenes, that way we can really make use of the new feature with all the new outfits that will be added.
For the M*ssionary V2 here are some of the outfits I would like to do but let me know if there are any others you’d rather see.
For the D*ggy Close Up I still want to stick with some simple ones to get better at this scene so here are some of the ones I would like to try.
Now moving on past this I would like to update an outfit system to the new one and also add some unique outfits into whatever scene that is. The options I was thinking were the On Side, Jack O & Legs Spread On Desk and from what I have seen most people would like to see the Legs Spread On Desk get some unique outfits. This is what i’m going to be working on getting some sketches done for but if there’s another scene you’d prefer let me know and I’ll see what everyone else thinks :)
Character Poll This Month
With last month being a scene poll this month is time for a character poll. Last time we had one of these I had a poll to see which theme would be best and western won although I did say the one after that would be an anime one as we hadn’t had one of them for a while now so would be nice to get a new one added in.
I have some character sketches done that I think would be good and have also done well in previous polls but let me know if you have any more suggestions and I’ll see if I can get some sketches done in time.
Also if there was a character from a previous poll you liked that I haven’t put her please let me know as I might have missed them or forgotten about them :)
Anyway I hope you’ll like this poll and are looking forward to it I think its going to be a good one.
Characters Added To Scenes
As the mid month update is going to have a new scene the main focus is going to be getting the first batch of characters added to that however ones that’s done I can then start adding some characters that’s are missing from other scenes.
The first ones I’d like to focus on are getting Mirko, Yoruichi etc added to the against wall outside as there has been a couple of new scenes since that one came out so it’s time to get them added.
Next I would like to get Lola, Loona etc added to another scene, from what I’ve seen people seem to like the Legs Spread On Desk scene a lot so maybe that would be a good one to add them too next? Or the other one I was thinking was the Jack O scene either of those two would be good ones though so let me know what you think.
With so many scenes coming in a short space of time there are a lot of characters that need to be added to them but I will be working through them all as quickly as I can so if the character you want isn’t in one yet it will be getting added soon :D
Speed Slider Feature Update
So I know this option didn’t win in the feature focus poll but I would like to work a bit on updating the QOL for it just for in the future when it does win the poll it will be easier and better to add all the new stuff. At the moment in the scenes that have the speed range it is not set up the best and can be a bit confusing how you switch between the two options. What I would like to do is update this to how some of the other features that have settings work where when you toggle it on a settings button will appear that you can then click to update the settings you’d like for it. This at the moment will be between the normal speed slider and the range speed slider but int he future there will be some more options for you to pick from.
I hope this will just make it a bit easier to use which might make people want it in other scenes meaning it can win a poll sooner.
Update To Customise Settings Menu
This is another thing I have been thinking about for a while now as more and more stuff is getting added to the customise menu its making it a bit more confusing to see what is where as its all kind of grouped together.
The plan now is to split all the options into their own sections with at the top of the list being a kind of “Jump To” option that will let you select which part you would like to customise and it will take you right there or you can choose to scroll through them all and they will be split into groups with a little line break between them.
This will look similar to how the c*mshot settings window looks which I think works well and should transfer over quite well to the custom settings window.
I know this is quite a small thing but its just one of those things that will make the user experience a bit better I hope.
If you do have any ideas for other QOL things that can be improved let me know.
Character Head Designs
I'll keep this one short as some of you have probably already seen this but I have got some more character head designs done that really needed to be updated.
Personally I would like to do Jessica R first as her current head isn’t the best drawn but I’m happy to do either of her looks I don’t mind.
Then let me know which of the others you’d like to see and I can get them done. There’s also some other sketches I’d like to do for characters that have different variations like Carrot has one with long white hair which could be quite cool.
The plan for this is to try and get one done for the mid month update as there’s a lot of other stuff I’ll be working on and then try and get two done for the update after that so hopefully that’s good with everyone.
Feature Focus Poll This Month
Finally I wanted to talk about the feature focus poll this month. Like I was talking about last month this one will also have a previous winner added back to it just to get us all lined up and then we can do one month with a previous winner one month without to give everything a chance.
The option taken out of this months is going to be the outfit option as that won last months and the winner added back is going to the the “Scene Things” option.
The option is going to have stuff like Pr*g, Ft*a, An*l and anything like that that’s an additional feature to a scene.
Here is what the an*l is looking like in the against wall scene for people that haven’t seen that, if this option wins this is the scene i’m planning on adding it to first.
Anyway I think that’s everything I wanted to talk about. Let me know if you have any other thoughts or ideas
Thank You :D