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Exciting announcement- Apple has announce a new (mandatory) policy of helping itself to a 30% share of every patreon pledge made via the Patreon app in the Apple app store. App.

We travelled to 1987 and made a handy explainer video to lay out who will be affected, and how- the changes are scheduled to hit this November. Meanwhile if you know any Patreon creators who may not be in the loop who need a way to explain to their backers what's happening, feel free to share our PSA around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8OKKHIppMo

For the Dreamkeepers Patreon:

I think our subscription model will stay the same, fortunately we were using the one which will be the only permitted survivor of this transition. So there should only be a change for people making new pledges or adjusting their pledge via the Apple app store, after November kicks in. Those people will have to pay more, thanks to Apple.

For everyone else- PC users, Android users, people backing directly over the web- there should be no change for you.

Onwards! Fanart for August comin' up soon alongside Sketch of the Month, and Pledge Pins whippin' out in the mail.