Shiny new Suggestion system! (Patreon)
New system for Sketch of the Month and Fanart voting:
So many backers have been participating, Patreon is maxxed out- the suggestions can’t fit on the poll!
We brainstormed fixes- ideas that didn’t make it:
*Multiple polls for run-off votes or bracket voting.
-David was already having a little trouble gathering ideas for a single poll- more complexity means more to monitor and manage, and less time to make art.
*Limit idea suggestions to higher tier backers only.
-No, because we want the suggestions to be something fun and casual for the whole community as long as that remains feasible.
*All backers can submit ideas like before, but it’s first come first served.
-No, because it adds an unpleasant feeling of urgency to submitting ideas. Plus if we start taking ideas at a set day and time, if someone happens to be on the clock at work or in a timezone that makes it inconvenient, that’s no fun.
So we are trying something new!
Every backer can submit one idea for Sketch of the Month, and one idea for Fanart, and Dave & Liz will choose 5 ideas for each poll.
This allows the maximum number of ideas to float around, Dave & Liz get to have some input in the process, and the resulting poll will have a nice manageable grouping of great options.
*Head to the Forum Channel in the Dreamkord, "Art Poll Suggestions."
*Locate the post soliciting ideas for the current month.
*Respond to that forum post with your idea. (No discussions here, keep this area for finalized ideas only! That will keep David from getting confused.)
Annnnd you did it!
* One Sketch of the Month idea and one Fanart idea per backer per month.
* Word your idea to use up to 131 characters- anything longer than that, the poll will cut off the text.
*If you wish to change your idea before it is harvested, please do not make a second post, just edit your initial post.
* Rating level: Matches the overall books- can be suggestive or ‘R’ rated. We might do NSFW variants of our own volition, but it’s mostly based on our workload.
*Up to 3 characters, to keep it feasible for us.
And that’s it!
We think this is going to be really fun, and keep the maximum number of ideas bouncing around for a good while to come. Looking forward to making some art come to life.