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Mace meets the Litterbox crew for an intervention, but he leaves the wrong impression.

This week's Prelude update! Thought it would be fun to do a crossover / homage to Litterbox- if you haven't scoped out their comic, it's extremely cute https://www.litterboxcomics.com/ and they recently crowdfunded an animated episode as well. Cool stuff coming.

This comic joining the 'Biographical and Stupid' category, that's sort of our catchall for fun what-if comics. Archived at https://dreamkeeperscomic.com/comics




Oh...My...God... That is Hilarious LOL^^ I'd never thought I would see a crossover between Dreamkeepers and Litterbox. She's probably regretting it though LOL.

Lord Kiyo

But that just all the cool stuff though.


Mace is a very BAD influence! Love this one ^^