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Nainso gets a sinking feeling in this week's Volume 5 update.  




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Garrett Simpson

Wrong bathroom Tia! X3 So Nainso is interrogating Tinsel? I imagine he must have it in for her owing to her music

Garrett Simpson

It’s nice that my favorite intellectual guy cat is about to get some comeuppance towards Scinter with some plot reveals for looking like the vacillating one last book,hehe!


Ok again I can't help but feel the shower rooms aren't very private. I mean come on they may as well be co-ed. Also I'm really missing Mace


And her questions went down the drain...

Lord Kiyo

So he his trying to talk to the Tins? That explains him washing his face.

David Koudelka

Wait, funding a Logos expedition? This is already getting interesting! Plus, Nainso don't look so good.

Darque Hellmutt

SINK-ing feeling? I'd FLUSH that one, but I'm too DRAINED.

Darque Hellmutt

Also, are we to be left to imagine how they captured, restrained and returned ol' Tins for questioning? And did little Mace just get blown thru a wall and forgotten? Tune in NEXT time, when these EXCITING questions - and MORE - will be answered!!!! ...or not.

Shannon TJ

Don't worry, Tinsel's capture is shown at the end of V4 *thumbs up*