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Fear of collateral damage, misdirection, gadgets- Scinter's pulling out all the stops in his bid to save everyone (except for one glaring exception) in the world.



Shaun Albert

I wonder who said that on the comms


Scinter! Taking advantage of a blind person? Shame on you

Garrett Simpson

Is that a voice box or recording? Intense page!

Benjamin Varner

I love how all this action is playing out so far.


Smart move Scinter, but Igrath might figure it out.

Shannon TJ

No power and Scinter still has the upper hand. I wonder if Nainso can do anything.

Lord Kiyo

Scanter can think of everything. He so bad ass, he don't need powers to take out multiple people at once. Kinda makes me wonder what his power is?

Paul Bibb

Optical Diffraction :) Don't know if that's still cannon or not though . . .


Hang on a second. That's the one knob from his collar...which we've never really understood the purpose of. Has he actually always been talking through that speaker?


It was Scinter. Since Igrath is blind, Scinter is using the speaker to misdirect him. Clever bastard.

Brighttail Faux Pas

I'm hoping that Bast can finer tune his attack. He couldn't attack Scinter without hitting the other girls so he had to stop.