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Scinter's power sees action, as a last resort.  He generally doesn't like people to know what it is, unless there's a reason.  Harder to counter it that way.

He wields zone-based perception absorption.  From inside the area there's not much effect- but outside of it, the observer will see nothing but a curious optical diffraction.  More viewers makes his zone more limited, but with a single opponent he can neutralize an area that cuts off half their field of view.

He stores the excess perception like a battery, and can later fire up his halo to view situations and technical problems with superhuman focus and insight.



Alarm Frog

What a neat ability!


Don’t ya mean V5. Lol I honestly try and look away when scrolling down the feed when a see V5 stuff. I want to wait and read it in it’s full hard copy beauty


I wonder if there's a way to 'mute' certain tags in Patreon? That way you could click the 'Volume 5' tag off, and only peek if desired. Just tryin' to brainstorm . ^ ^;

Garrett Simpson

Damn this will be an intense book! Scinter's power looks really cool WW2 radar esque aesthetically


I can't help but wonder why Scinter didn't use his power from the beginning as it might have made killing Kalei quietly easier. Starting to think he's smart only when it comes to science and technology, anything else he's a moron. I mean really, casually trying to kill Kalei in front of everyone just like that ? What an idiot. Scinter has the tactical subtlety of a brick

Lord Kiyo

There it is, I figured it would pop up soon.


WOW Double halo all the way!!!


So we finally get to see Scinter's power? Bout time.

Shannon TJ

I read it back and Scinter only tries to openly kill Kalei after Nainso shouts at him. The jig was already up. After this point, Scinter would have never been allowed anywhere near her.


Such a fitting technique for him.