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We stole the couch from Cowboy Bebop.  Spike can't stop us, he's dead.

Limited production budget, so we need each set-piece to have maximum versatility.  We can move the camera outside for a shot of the ship's upper deck.   Liz's navigation perch on the left will be able to mechanically lower.

Different layers of art will let us attain a very subtle dimensional effect with 3-D camera moves.  The upper deck guns aren't penciled, because we're planning to model them in 3-D and trace, the way they do gundams in those fancy shows.  Capture the feel of authentic 2-D, with the accuracy of 3-D.    I've animated rotating guns in the past (See: Vi 2012 commercial) and it can look okay, but manually doing the perspective is a massive amount of work, for results that still feel a bit wonky.  

I think the hybrid technique will give us the most bang for our time, and also let us shoot cannons in space.



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