ART ATTACK! - Mastermind Backers and Above (Patreon)
ART ATTACK! - Mastermind Backers and Above
It's time for an Art Attack! Which is what I'm calling them now. Check the tags for ARTATTACK, from now on. Everyone who is a mastermind backer and above, private message me the address you'd like this Art Attack sent to, and I'll begin shipping around the 20th of this month. We try to do an 'Art Attack' about once a month.
This month's Art Attack: signed print of the Igrath and Fae Holiday print, as well as two copies of each double sided bookmarks (for a total of ten bookmarks) sent to you, as seen above. That way you can enjoy both sides of the bookmarks -at the same time- whoa. So just let me know if you'd like these and where they should go. -Liz