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Vivid’s Couchcon is nearly here- happening June 23-25 at https://couchcon.org/

In addition to filling the weekend with panels, streams, and vendor sales, David is once again offering a (very few) personal commission slots.

  • But these are not the ONLY opportunities for you to get your OC drawn by David- Skirmish Online info at the bottom!
NOTE:  We are only planning to share the link for Couchcon Commission slots with backers in the Dreamkord, so they will have the best shot at procuring them.

David Couchcon 2023 Commission Slots:

  • $80 Sharpie Sketch Slot.  (8 available)(1 per customer please)

Up to two characters, sketched in black & metallic sharpie on 8.5 x 11 paper.  Big, bold, and fast- I’m planning to complete these during Couchcon weekend.

  • $250 Color-Added Slot.  (2 available)

This is for customers who previously secured pencil lineart commissions from us, and have been waiting for a chance to add full digital color.  Snag one of these slots, contact us with a high-resolution copy of the line art, and within a couple of weeks it’ll have the full digital color treatment (also delivered in glossy 8.5 x 11 print format.)

  • $??? Full-color Auction slot.  (1 available)

The winner of this slot gets to choose either:

  • One second’s worth of HD character animation


  • Full-color illustration.

The animation is 1 second’s worth of animation featuring a single character- good for a walk cycle or similar action.

The illustration includes up to 3 characters, full background, digital color, and also arrives printed on a 60x90cm wallscroll.

Commission Guidelines:

SFW (can be suggestive, but no full-on nudity.)


The Skirmish Online campaign is preparing to launch- *possibly* during Couchcon.  NOTE:  The highest IndieGoGo perks will provide OC character art options, including a player-exclusive animated character.  Bear this in mind if you want your character as a playable in-game skin, or in case the Couchcon commissions get snapped up.  Once we have a campaign preview ready, we will be sharing it with newsletter subs.  

Crunch Time

Prepping Skirmish Online is a massive undertaking- pardon our dust!  Prelude updates will be going on a short hiatus while we put our game-dev caps fully on, and take care of business.  Fulfillment for Vivid campaigns will continue, but we won’t be able to tackle anything new until the Skirmish campaign has successfully launched.

Big Commission Queue

A reminder to those in the fabled Big Commission Queue- refunds for those slots are available instantly upon request!  ( Vivid@vividpub.com )  Most folks seem happy to wait, but it is entirely optional.  I love when I get a chance to work on more of them.  (Currently in the midst of pencils for a nice mountain retreat)

That's it for now!  Reminder- if you ordered shirts, they ought to be shipping this week, Yark is successfully funded, UberQuest Volume 3 has just kicked off, Prelude Collection 2 In-Demand is closed and items are in the pipeline- which does include the next round of Pledge Pins.



Charlie Ascende

I'll be prepared to snatch the color add-on ($250), the full colored illustration ($???), and the top tier slot for Skirmish Online backing. Not sure if it'll leave me at around a few hundred dollars left in my bank account, but it'll be huge worth for those purchase altogether. ^^


Aww only up to 3 characters? XD


Would love to commission a sketch with Vanth and Bast.

Shane Andrew Asher

Sadly, still kinda hurting on the disposable income front after the UberQuest Indiegogo, so probably no commission for me this time.


Maybe I can at least snag an $80 one this time.