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The latest round of Pledge Pins has finally completed manufacture, and is on the way to the Vivid fulfillment center.  We can hardly wait!  This batch came out absolutely GORGEOUS.

Preliminary sample pics:

We sprung for the rainbow-metal shimmer on Cuddles.

Indi & Digo will be the April and May pins respectively, and they are standalone pins, but can also pair up in a cool ying-yang design.  These are so fun to make.

Pledge Pin Backers:  Keep an eye on your Patreon e-mail.  Once the pins are stocked, we will send you a private checkout link.

And next in the production pipeline:  A fresh batch!  

New Pledge Pin Designs:

JUNE:  Whip celebration

If you were a Pledge Pin tier backer in June, the first Whip Pledge Pin will be flying into your life.  We're leaning towards silver for the cloud / metal lines.

July: Guidecoin- Wish Fulfilled

We are falling in love with the stained-glass fills, and wanted to bring another one of these unique designs to life with a Guidecoin.  Pledge Pin backers for the month of July will have this in their future.

August: Vanth takes flight

Stained-glass fills AND negative space!  We might be pushing the envelope of possibilities with this design- subject to change if the laws of physics require it.  But Vanth will be flapping as hard as she can regardless.  The special Vanth pin will be adding courage to the lapels of August Pledge Pin backers.

September: Flame On

Bast is going to be turning up the heat for September.  Our preliminary thought is to use gold for the flames and halo, giving them an intense warm shine.  Although I even favor the raw black and white art on this one, lots of intensity with this design.  Back at Pledge Pin tier for September to get one of these puppies.

We're psyched with how these designs are coming out.   Pledge Pin backers for January-May, watch for those e-mails so you can checkout with your current address!  We can't wait for these exclusive Dreamkeepers pins to find a home in your hands.

-Dave & Liz





Those pins look so neat, wonder what level of a pledge will get these pins?


Nevermind, found out. Unfortunately, I can't pledge that high.