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Sketch of the Month found its way to color!   "Gingerbread" version of the Indigos included below.

We'll be harvesting ideas for the next Sketch of the Month in the Dreamkord, last Friday of the month, then having another vote in here.  Warm up the imagination and let us know what you'd like to see!



Death of Ink

Love seeing Lilith get more comfortable with her looks to dress up sexy like this! Be confident, girl!


Very pretty AND imaginative poses!


Indie: Hey Digo! Why you pull on my tail so hard! Leggo! (Hope I got them right)


Digo: So I can hold my sexy pose on the pole like this! mmmm


Lilith, thinking: Oh, my! Vi looks so luscious! I just want to jump all over her...


You'll have to make that arrangement with Lilith first as this is her thought as she watches Vi. Enjoy!

Charlie Ascende

Now im thinking about buying a three-character commission slot as soon as i get paid on Thursday.