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Working back in Flash for this one. I love how easy it is to edit Flash art. Vector art is so clean and easy to manipulate!





Thought her name was raincoat girl. She still looks good though and it's nice to see her again. I like the way the colors came out nice work as always sir.


Would like to see more of her in the future! Also, are you aware of the Adobe changes that they’ve made? I’m not familiar with the whole situation, but from what I’ve seen, they snuck into their most recent terms of service that they “own everything used on the Adobe software” which I suppose give them the rights to anything made within their software. You might want to look into it, but I’m not sure if that includes Adobe Flash or not. Just something to look out for just to be safe.


Always wondered what was under the jacket! It's honestly a shame that no drawing program since has so embraced vector based art. I would kill for a cs6 port on iPad...


I doubt they could make that retroactively apply to past full purchase products, thankfully


Yeah it amazed me that in my search, with all the new apps out there nowadays, there wasn't even one equivalent software remotely similar to Flash tools.