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Been studying a lot of Mike Mignola art recently. Always loved his used of blacks and negative space. A quote I love from one of his interviews "I just needed to figure out how to make a living drawing what I like to draw."




Well they both came out Mr.Pool well done.


Oh now these are dope. Love the pose and energy of the first one. Face too. But the second ones head and horns are super cool


Thank you! It's more experimenting. Seeing how far I can go to distill my workflow to the basics. I have more work incoming that plays with this more.


One thing I think you do very well that I don t know if you realise is that you make great use of negative space and constructing eerie and complex parts/weapons/limbs out of pieces. You erase chunks and lines in a piece which allows for the eye to complete the image. It's similar to what your void series did and I think it is one unique aspect of your style that has stayed consistent.


I appreciate that. I have noticed it's easier for me to draw that way. I don't know why but I can carve a drawing out of black space so much faster than I can drawing lines on a white space. Like etching or carving a sculpture. So I'm leaning into this more to see how I can apply it to my art.


Also yep, it was exactly my approach to making the voids. I just added details onto the black silhouette.