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A shot from the original Akumi series but in a different style.




Have you ever considered doing a remake of the original animation? Especially since it’ll be coming up on the 20th anniversary of it. Or even making a continuation of it?


Hm this shot can work as a prologue cutscene for either your new mobile game or any future akumi wars DLC 👀


Oh I really like that concept. To re-imagine that whole original Akumi series could be so fun. The remaking of it could include a continuation. Thanks for the idea. Gonna let that marinate in my brain.


I had a discussion about Akumi aircraft with someone in the discord who read my story and asked why I called her aircraft a Vtol and I said it takes off and lands vertically just like a Vtol is this a correct assumption Mr. Pool.


I could see that. I could make all the cutscenes with drawings in this similar style. Even triple A studios use this method regularly.


Let me know if there’s anyway I can help, would love to help in anyway possible, especially if it comes to reimagining one of my all time favorite animations


While I have everyone's attention read my cringe fanfiction. https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/356156052-akumi-redemption