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Still working on the art direction of the Akumi tower defense game. I think this is pretty close. A balance of detail and simplicity. I will admit I'm, tempted to test an even simpler design. Just to see how far I can streamline the design but I think the above is the zone I want to stay in.




This looks cool, by the way in my writings I made Liv a skilled cook, she learned culinary skills from her grandmother and healing from her mother. What do you think of this. Can't wait to play this game I played that cat tower defense game you compared this too and well after playing that now I'm a little hyped for this game. Can't wait to play the Akumi tower defense game.


My birthday was a few days ago by the I'm 33 now


That's a cool idea! Just had a meeting today about the Akumi tower defense game. Yeah we are focused on having a playable protoype soon.