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"Imp Girl is in heat and ready for breeding."

I'd be willing to give her a demon baby...



Doctor Mars

I'm in! I'd put her in a collar and leash. Looks like she needs a little control ;)


I'd be be more interested in her being a pet for humans, like a sex pet for a gang of bandits or just as an attraction in a bar, popping out mini-imps like puppies to be sold on the side of the road.


I like the pet for humans and bandit gangbang ideas. I have some images in my head, will have to do something with those.

Alex Fernandez

Dear god, if you really exist please prove it, in my next life I want to be Miltonius. Make it happen ... Amen. PS please forgive the NSFW part.

Randal Eaglebauer

I love these pics of alien/monster/sci-fi women. They're weird, but that's what makes it appealing too.


Thank you! I've always enjoyed making unusual female characters that still maintain some sexual appeal. It's almost a challenge for myself, how strange or dangerous can I make the character and still be attracted to them.


Coruppted one? maybe?