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Edit: Tier 6 Paid Characters will also get a chance to be submitted for Adventure Quest Worlds spots whenever AE contacts me about adding more characters to their game.

Currently, we've got a good amount of characters in the Akumi Wars game to test. Adam's got his hands full!

I think it's time to allow some fans to add their character ideas.  There's still so much work to be done so I'll accept only accept up to 4 commissions to be sure I'm not backed up. 1 per week seems manageable.  I'll open more spots if it seems doable.  If you commission a character, I'll contact you with the details on what date we'll get started and also get the details and references of your idea. From there, we'll work to make sure it fits the Akumiverse. It needs look like it belongs in Akumi's strange world. It's a broad space to work with so it shouldn't be too difficult.

We'll go in this order:
  • 1) Character Descriptions/References
  • 2) Character Sketch
  • 3) Final Art
  • 4) Character Animations - Sorry, you will not be allowed to give your character godly attack moves. We want to keep things balanced. :)   
  • 5) Character will be added to the Akumi Wars Game!

Commissions will be completed in the order they're are received. If you have questions, let me know!

Onwards and Upwards!




Luvh Art

oh me! pick me! xD i would love to pay for a comission :o


How so we get chosen to contribute? Is it an increase to patreon payment? Edit: I'm dumb haha checked the wrong section!


You can let me know what you want your character to be specialized at and we'll adjust his stats accordingly when the game engine is ready to implement stats. Thank you for your commission! Will message you shortly.


Haha it's not you, it's obviously my post not being clear. I'm having a lot of people asking how to be chosen for the commission.


I'm using the mobile app for patreon and it kind of hides away the tier system and how to change your pledge

Frank O'Rourke

I'll never in a million years be able to afford this Tier 6. a huge shame as I have a lot of really fantastic characters that could really help in making Akumi Wars even more special than it already is. This one here for instence would easily fit right in: <a href="https://twitter.com/Glyph_AE/status/984748886513172481" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Glyph_AE/status/984748886513172481</a>

Frank O'Rourke

And her Armored up mode minus Twintails: <a href="https://twitter.com/Glyph_AE/status/984171441603067906" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Glyph_AE/status/984171441603067906</a>

Patrick (Crab)

I'm wondering if you'll ever make an official Adimonde art and perhaps put him into the Akumi world. That'd be awesome


Ahh yes! He is part of the Miltonius story that was never told. I can see him coming into form eventually. :)

Patrick (Crab)

A Miltonius story that was NEVER TOLD? Now I'm really interested!