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Hybrid of Stitch and Sonic the Hedgehog. Last weeks suggested sketch suggestion by Patron Luvh Art!  Again, I had to "fematize" this idea.

Tier 4 Patrons Suggestions OPEN!

If you're a T4 Patron give me a suggestion to draw this week. 2 will be chosen. 

Tier 4 Patrons with a sketch so far:

  • Luvh Art 
  • Greg
  • Jared Demarzo  
  • Mechaphantom 
  • The Farthest Reaches

 Sketch Suggestions Guidelines!:

These are not commission, when you make your suggestion, I’ll sketch it in my own style. If I don‘t want to make your suggestion, I’ll ask you to give me an alternative suggestion.

  •  Tuesdays, all Patrons can make suggestions ONLY if two haven’t been submitted but Tier 4 Patrons will get priority.  
  • You can suggest existing characters of any genre as long as there’s a reference I can google. You can also ask for the character to be gender swapped or things like that. Add you're own flavor.
  • If you have an original character but no visual representation, you can write out your description but I will interpret the description in one pass. No edits.
  • When your suggestion gets sketched, I’ll put your name down in a list till every Tier 4+ Patron has had a turn. Once everyone has gotten a sketch we‘ll repeat the process!
  • If I’m inspired to, I’ll finalize and color some sketches. And make them into prints for the Akumi Store.




Can’t decide if giant ears or slick back ears are sexier, please help...


Mecha wants more butts and more orginal characters. I wouldn’t mind a Akumi butt shot pinup. My favorite character is Demonkiss butt shot pinup, but also had suggested the Demonkiss pregnant pinup. Just my thoughts I don’t know when Mecha gets a vote again just my suggestions and thoughts on matter.


You can always put in a suggestion. If no new T4 Patron makes a suggestion you get a sketch!


I have a suggestion but I have to send it to you through Twitter is that ok


I have Suggestion Paralysis (tm). It's like asking a girl to Prom or something. Eh, I'll think of some fucked up thing sooner or later.


Check out @BrownB1991’s Tweet: <a href="https://twitter.com/BrownB1991/status/1039294018578989061?s=09" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/BrownB1991/status/1039294018578989061?s=09</a> here's the link good sir is this ok


Also this sketch looks like a cross between sonic the hedgehog and stich from lelo and stich


Lilonic? The girl versions are nice and lanky yet still sufficiently feminine-curvy. My ear vote is for the big ones. I love ears that stick up, out, curved, pointy, whatever. The long ones are great for expression, too.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention in the description that's exactly what the suggestion was.


Thank you! My line forms are finding their path now. Yeah the suggestion was for a Sonic/Stitch hybrid.


it never hurts to do something cute once in awhile!

Luvh Art

i can see the female one getting lewded and omg that looks so cool!


Thanks for the suggestion! :) Yeah I'll probably always make a fem version of any suggestion if it's not already female.