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Okay I thought this would be interesting to look at. When I made Creepy Girl, I thought this was the skinniest character I eva made! The I put it next to my recent drawing of Akumi.  I gotta say, when I go in a direction, I go to the extreme!  At this rate I'll be drawing stick figures again... but seriously, this shits fun.

By the way,  I'm putting together a series #2 print bundle that these images will be part of. Will post variants of this Akumi up soon.



Kronik Jon

Milton my brotha if there was a set of 20 of different nsfw of akumi herself and if you end up making such thing i would totally buy it for double haha as long as you sign those to so i can show my amigos who made such Nostalgic Art.


Haha you reading my mind? :D I have thought about that. It would have to be majorly limited though. It wouldn't be the next series because I actually don't have any real NSFW art of Akumi herself. But I can see that happening in the future.


I really like both of them but the one on the left is my favorite I keep going on about it but I ain't much of an art critic and your version of her with a different shirt on is just more interesting to me also those black pantys with the skull on it are a nice touch


Thank you! I’m glad my current art style has more appeal. Akumi is my supermodel, gotta dress her up in different outfits!

Doctor Mars

I gotta say I love skinny girlies, but yeah...can't get much skinnier without them just becoming invisible lol

Sparky Reynolds

I'm a big fan of the older Akumi, but that's not to say I don't love the new Akumi. I think the Akumiverse should have all extremes....skinny, regular, thick, and even extra chunky monkey!! I do love this casual wear Akumi a lot....


Oh yes, I’m gonna go everywhere with my arts! That’s the appeal of making art in general, no limits! I cannot help but change things up over time.


Heh, Akumi makes the Creepy girl look healthy and average sized, minus the skin condition. I wonder how many Akumi's does it take to fill a whole page (the world may never know) lol old reference


Yeah that was my first reaction to seeing them side by side. It’s really just 2 different stylizations. I think a middle ground is where I might go. No Mr. Owls around but I’d guess 3.5 to 4 Akumi’s total to fill a 8.5x11 page. 🦉

Kronik Jon

Well the day it's made sign me up for such a special bundle i'll even pay for a reservation of it haha, i have a stickee idea for akumi the one image you made fairly recently the laying down akumi would be an outstanding sticker that i would for sure buy from ya even a laying down akumi nude version i would buy to post that beaty on my future Lamborghini :P

Shade Meadows

Make a Chubby Girl for the heck of it~