Pinup #326 - Update: Akumi Wars + Next Fest (Patreon)
Today it begins! The countdown to Akumi Wars's official release.
Next Fest begins today. Steam's festival for showcasing new and upcoming games. We have been accepted to the event and I will be streaming the game directly "on Steam" February 5, 2024 at 9pm EST and again February 12 same time. And then February 13th, 2024, if our game feels good to play, we officially release!
Holy moly, I can't tell you how excited I am to let this bird fly. There's only so much you can do for a project until you have to let it be what it's gonna to be. I've given Akumi Wars everything I can, now I leave it to the Gods!
See you on the Steam stream!
Onwards and Upwards my friends!