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We're still in celebration weekend mode, and I am trying to make it so that everyone has the chance to attend a voice chat session, so I'm scheduling one more session a little less than 10 hours from now (because I forgot to hit the Publish Now button - such a dork!).  

So that's 10:30am my time here in New Zealand - but you can check what time it is for you with this handy little tool I found!  http://bit.ly/2nv2tod 

If you haven't joined my Discord server yet: https://discord.gg/KMZbZJ 

NEW - I've added a new channel to my Discord just now, called #my-favorite-audio.  I'd love for everyone to decide what your favorite recording (or two) has been, and post it there. I'd prefer to keep that on Discord just because I think it's fairly possible that a good percentage of the responses might be recordings we can "no longer discuss" on Patreon.  So think it over and pop into discord to cast your vote (or email me if you don't want to download Discord, and I'll vote for you).  candy@voicelikecandy.com

A big thank you to everyone who came to the 2nd session earlier today ... Really hope you had fun just hanging out with me! :)



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