VoiceLikeCandy's Discord Channel - Come hang out! (Patreon)
If you haven't dropped by the Discord Server in a while, (or if you haven't joined yet), then please do! All my fans are welcome, regardless of your patronage.
I know that my Discord channel isn't the most active chatroom you may frequent, because I'm usually working on either making recordings, editing them, or auditioning/writing emails/reviewing scripts, etc. I don't really have a lot of time to chit chat online... but, there are a few things happening there that you might want to be aware of!
In addition to a regular #Group_Chat channel, where you can talk with me and other members about a variety of topics, I also have some other channels, including:
- #audio_samples - Free Intro Teasers of new releases are posted publicly here for everyone to enjoy, instead of just being locked behind the Cover Charge tier
- #your_favorite_audios - I kept being asked if I had somewhere for people to leave reviews of their favorite recordings, so this is a place you can post your feedback if you like, and see what other people have enjoyed if you're thinking of getting some new listening material
- #scriptwriters_only - A channel for members of the Scriptwriters tier to talk privately about their script ideas with me and each other.
- #cooktease-food_porn - Ok, a little guilty pleasure of mine, all about cooking/eating and sharing food porn. Who knew so many of my pervs were foodies!?! Some are even pretty damn good chefs!
- #content_polls - New channel where I'll post questions about certain topics/kinks/story ideas and everyone can vote on how they feel about them, which may influence new scripts. ** The 1st poll went up yesterday re: Raceplay - so come cast your vote now!
- #Live_RecordingBooth - when I'm feeling particularly adventurous, you might actually hear me hop into the Live Recording Booth and let you listen in on me creating new recordings now and then. It takes a bit of courage for me to record with people listening, so I admit I haven't done this but once or twice, but I'm going to attempt to start doing it more, to try and push past that fear. Who knows, maybe sometime I'll even let you guys listen in while I take some live calls! *blush* No promises!
So please, if you're using Discord anyway, why not join in? And if you haven't tried Discord before, give it a try! Here is the public invite to my server - https://discord.gg/yAzb58Q