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  • Supergirl DCAU Lineart Process.mp4



My first entry in my tribute pin up series to the DCAU (DC Animated Universe), and what better way to start than with the lovely cousin of Superman, Supergirl, Kara Kent, one of my all time favorites versions of the character, hope you folks enjoy this one.

-High Resolution Image + 11 Alternatives (JLU ver, Smallville outfit, Bikini and Nude, Tex and non Text versions) + Line Art Video Process + PSD File.




Super tribute, you saw what I did there.


Always loved the animated version of this beautiful sexy thicc thighs goddess hero. She looks so hot cool cute and sexy as fuck! Thank you so much my God emperor of awesomeness friend for this lovely masterpiece of pure flawless perfection and its many alter. *yetihug*

Cesar Cruz

Hot damn. She fine.