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Egwene quickly tossed up a wall of air when the mutated creature that looked like a cross between a chihuahua and a rotting squid reappeared in front of Apple and promptly started snarling at her and swinging its slime covered tentacles at everyone. "I think they're getting worse."

"Stay!" Mist ordered as he took a step back to keep out of range of the tentacles, causing the 'dog' to growl at him.

"Sit!" Apple snapped at the dog then quickly pulled her ring off when it turned and growled at her, causing the creature to vanish. "I think that last round in the arena broke it."

"No shit," Egwene's clone muttered as she tossed her broken spirit ring into her enchanting box and checked to make sure it hadn't turned into a cursed ring.

"Did you get a curse?" Twist asked as she took her broken spirit beast off and dropped it in the box of rings that needed to be re-enchanted.

"Nothing, you probably just got lucky or unlucky last time," the clone replied.

"Or the residue builds up," Apple suggested as she tossed the beast ring to Mist, curious if they'd actually get something useful out of his project.

Mist caught the ring that Apple tossed him, stuck it in his enchanting box and hit the button to analyze it, picking up several new runes and updating the creature's physical runes. "That just means we have to try something new."

"What do you have in mind? We haven't had a lot of luck modifying its personality and getting rid of the rune that limited its intelligence seems to have driven it insane," Egwene pointed out.

"I was thinking about using the hooker collar on it, it should replace the dog's personality with something a bit saner," Mist explained.

"The runes aren't going to change, we've already tried that," Egwene pointed out as she dropped her broken ring in the box of rings, a bit annoyed that the Poison Pit spell broke the rings if the linked spirit beasts died in the arena since the rings were getting expensive to duplicate.

"We haven't tried using the cat elixir to stabilize things," Mist argued as he pulled the cursed collar and the cat elixir out of his bag. "It permanently changes your personality and gives you some cat-like traits, there's a decent chance that the changes would be permanent."

"Even if it works, are you sure you want to turn a tentacle monster into a whore?" Apple asked, wondering if Mist had lost his marbles.

Mist shook his head. "Not really but there's a chance that the combination fixes the aggression. Besides, I doubt most people are going to want to use the elixir when we have a cat token that doesn't come with personality changes on the off chance that they want to permanently turn themselves into a cat or alter a pet."

"Do you want me to stun the dog when you summon it?" Twist asked as she adjusted the pillow she was lying on so that she'd have a clear shot.

"That would help," Mist replied as he summoned the dog.

Twist nailed the dog with a stunner then hit it a second time when the first one failed to stop it from snarling at Egwene. "That was harder than it should be."

"They might be picking up some magic resistance from the arena or maybe it's just improving what they already had," Mist mused as he put the cursed collar on the abomination. He waited a couple of seconds to make sure it wasn't going to wake up then uncapped the elixir and poured the contents down the dog's throat, causing the creature to change into a fluffy, innocent and adorable looking blue Maine Coon.

"At least the tentacles are gone," Apple muttered, not sure what to make of the adorable looking ball of fur that was probably hiding a monster within.

Mist pulled the spirit beast ring off, dropped it in his enchanting box and analyzed it, picking up a handful of new runes including a new personality rune that looked a lot more promising than the broken piece of shit they'd been using because they didn't have better. He swapped the spirit beast ring for an unenchanted gold ring with a pinky nail sized sapphire set in it and enchanted the ring with a copy of the new spirit beast enchantment.

"Did you get anything useful?" Twist asked, hoping they could actually fix the beast rings.

"More than I was expecting," Mist replied with a grin as he put Apple's ring on and summoned the cat, causing the fluffy blue cat to glance around for a couple of seconds before it jumped up on the bed and curled up next to Apple and Twist. "Looks normal enough."

Egwene used a couple of threads of air to remove the collar. "I was half expecting that to cause the cat to go insane."

"Yeah," Mist agreed as he grabbed one of the hats that he'd enchanted with the enchantment he'd copied from the bunny ears out of his bag and carefully set it on the cat's head, causing the hat to shrink to fit.

Apple snickered when the cat immediately batted the hat off before going back to pretending to be asleep. "I don't think that's going to work."

"Can you hit the cat with a stunner or a sleeping spell and a sticking charm?" Mist asked Twist, not interested in traumatizing the cat since it actually seemed reasonably sane but wanting to change the cat into a girl.

"Sure." Twist hit the sleeping cat with a spell designed to keep little witches and wizards asleep then put the hat back on the cat and hit it with a sticking charm to make sure it wouldn't fall off. "How intelligent do you think she'll be once the hat changes her into a girl?"

"I don't know, her rune just lists her intelligence as sapient and bright," Mist replied as Eldrin and Bode rushed into the section of the cavern they were using to test things carrying bags.

"Where did you get a blue cat?" Eldrin asked.

Mist put the empty potion vial in his bag. "I used the cat elixir on the latest spirit beast after using the cursed collar, it was more effective than I was expecting."

"Nice," Bode replied, hoping the feline version was better behaved. "It took longer to make the crowns than I was expecting…" she trailed off as Apple and Twist started glowing and changed quickly into perfectly proportioned elves, losing their extra limbs and deformities. "At least we didn't miss everything."

Apple sighed in relief after checking herself over and finding that everything was back to how it should be. "Looks like we're good to go."

Twist glanced between Bode and Eldrin then looked at Mist. "Twist requests permission to fuck the girls with the Dragon Crown before we leave, having extra talents might be important to the mission."

"Yes!" Eldrin squealed and started stripping, not seeing a problem with having sex with elves, Egwene or Mist, even if they couldn't actually get any extra talents from Mist or Egwene it was fun.

"I'll grab Morgana and Fiona," Bode squealed as she tossed the bag of crowns and circlets to Mist and dashed back the way they'd come.

"I should probably object for a variety of reasons but she has a point about the extra talents," Egwene said, looking forward to watching everyone have sex.

Mist grabbed one of the silver circlets out of the bag, dropped it in his enchanting box and started assembling the runes he'd need to make a copy of the Dragon Crown. 'It's probably just as well that I can't find a better way to copy magical talents, I'd miss the entertainment,' he mused as he kept part of his attention on the girls as they stripped out of their clothes.


Egwene smiled as she walked into the area that Mist was using for a workshop and saw the naked red haired cat girl sprawled on the bed reading a book. "Have you seen Mist?"

"No, he's hiding," the catgirl told her with a smile as she pointed toward the empty chair with her tail.

Egwene glanced at the empty chair next to the workbench filled with ter'angreal. "I'll bite, why is he hiding?"

"He didn't say," the cat girl replied with a pout.

"I'm not hiding," Mist replied as he deactivated his invisibility ring, slowly fading back into reality over the next couple of seconds. "I'm just running some tests."

"Did you learn anything useful?" Egwene asked.

Mist pulled the invisibility ring off and set it on the workbench. "Not really, I was just making sure they worked before I gave the duplicate rings to Apple and Twist."

"Most people would consider them a lost cause, even if we can save them, I doubt they'll thank us," Egwene warned him.

"I'm not expecting to save everyone, hell, I'm not even expecting to save half of them but I know that if I was stuck in that nightmare, I'd want someone to try. Maybe they're broken beyond repair but if I can scour the corruption from their minds and their bodies, I can clone them using the cursed collar which gives us another thousand channelers."

Egwene shook her head. "The Hall is going to lose their minds when they realize you can copy people."

"I'd probably be a lot more worried about it if the idiots hadn't bound themselves to the three oaths," Mist admitted. "With any luck, we'll have the source cleansed and the Dark One dead by the time they realize we have thousands of channelers living in hidden cities they'll never find."

"You really don't like them, do you?" Egwene asked.

"I consider most of them monsters or fools, they don't see a problem with demanding every novice's eternal loyalty in exchange for ten years of training. I can understand wanting to keep an eye on people because compulsion is a nasty weave but they're obsessed with controlling everything and political power rather than focusing on magic."

"It's hard to balance everything and the black ajah didn't help," Egwene pointed out.

"At least Verin's list crippled most of them and having a couple of hundred exceptionally durable people running around with the cultist attracting stockings should make it a lot harder for the darkfriends to cause trouble."

"Being dead has that effect," Egwene agreed, happy that they had a convenient way to deal with most of the darkfriends. "How long do you think it will take to kill the Dark One?"

"I don't know," Mist admitted. "I have a couple of ideas but none of them are particularly promising."

Egwene nodded. "Let me know if you need help."

"We'll probably need help dealing with the channelers in the town," Mist admitted.

"That's fine," Egwene assured him, "it gives me a break from teaching Bode how to dream walk."

"At least we have proof that you can pick up talents that aren't related to channeling and that people can share talents that they weren't born with," Mist replied with a grin.

"Don't start," Egwene complained as her cheeks went red with embarrassment, trying not to think about the fact that she'd had sex with her family with the exception of her father during the talent sharing orgy. "I'll probably end up with nieces and nephews or siblings."

"Or daughters," Mist teased. "If it makes you feel better, half the channelers in town are going to be in the same boat by the end of the week if Samara has her way."

"Not really." Egwene glanced at the cat girl that had gone back to playing with the blocks. "Were you able to figure out a way to give the other cat girls basic skills?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

Mist grinned, amused by her attempt to change the subject. "Not exactly but I found a workaround that sort of fixes the problem, the coffee mug that dumps a teaching degree into your head covers most of the basics which means we can probably cover the rest in a couple of classes."

"Do you have any extra weapon skill crystals?" Egwene asked hopefully.

"I should have a couple," Mist replied as he walked over to the cabinet where he was storing most of the crystals and started looking at the tags. "Are you going to hit me if I ask which of your sisters you liked fucking the best?"

"Yes," Egwene replied, more amused than offended by the question.

"That's fair," Mist agreed as he grabbed one of the blade master crystals and tossed it to Egwene then grabbed another one for Egwene's clone who was leaning up against a rock outcropping.

"Loise," Egwene admitted, knowing he wouldn't judge.

"It's that thing with her tongue, right?" Egwene's clone asked as she walked over, having been listening to the last part of the discussion.

Egwene turned and glared at her clone then sighed when she realized there wasn't a point in lying. "Yeah. I could barely look at her at breakfast."

"Look on the bright side, everyone was wearing magical disguises," the clone replied with a grin.

"That doesn't make it less embarrassing, I'm just glad that I used a weave so they couldn't see my blush," Egwene admitted.

"I'd wondered," the clone replied with amusement, having done the same thing. "Speaking of trouble, we should probably talk to Thom about making an inn down here while we're thinking about it."

"That's probably a good idea," Egwene agreed, knowing her parent's inn only had so many rooms. "Do you think you could modify the spell that upgrades schools to upgrade the rest of the buildings?"

Mist shook his head. "Not unless we turn them into schools or I find better runes, I'll keep an eye out."

"I'd appreciate it," Egwene replied and summoned her cat girl, causing a green haired cat girl to appear out of thin air. "Can you grab your mug, she's not all there."

"There?" the green haired cat girl asked, not sounding like she actually knew what she was saying.

"Yeah, I should probably just go through the entire collection," Mist admitted as he walked over to the workbench to grab his coffee mug.

"Thank you," Egwene told him.

Mist handed the mug of coffee to the cat girl then helped her drink it.

The cat girl blinked a couple of times then smiled at Mist. "Hello, do you have any students that I can molest?"

"It's a work in progress," Mist admitted.

Egwene shook her head, just happy that fixing things wasn't her responsibility and that the paddle would probably fix the worst of their mental issues.


"This would be so much easier if Mist didn't want the magic users alive, a couple of fireballs in the right place and everything would be ash," Apple grumbled as she floated over the twisted wooden buildings that looked like they'd been made by a blind dwarf that was extremely drunk and or concussed as none of them were what she'd consider structurally sound.

"Twist is aware but Master wants the magic users captured," Twist replied absently as she studied the group of trollocs that were hanging around in front of a stall selling what looked suspiciously like roast human.

"I know," Apple complained as she used mana to create a massive gateway next to the main building that the corrupted channelers used, placing the other end in the abandoned stedding where Egwene and the rest of the team were waiting to deal with the survivors. She ignored the people on the street pointing at the massive gateway as she twisted the weave and sent the gateway ripping through the building.

Twist created another gateway and did the same for the second floor, dropping it a couple of feet into another section of the stedding then turned her attention to the shadowspawn on the street while Apple took out the first floor with another gateway. She smiled as she started ripping the shadowspawn apart from a distance, rather amused that none of the channelers could see her magic.

Apple opened a gateway under a group of channelers, dropping them into a pond in the stedding where people would be able to fish them out and chain them up until they could figure out how to fix their heads or if they were beyond fixing. She let the gateway close then hit one of the corrupted channelers in the back with a stunner, dropping him unconscious. She dropped the unconscious channeler through a gateway and headed toward the next channeler. 'This would be a lot harder if the Forsaken had bothered training them.'


Mist glanced up from his notebook when Egwene's clone walked into the workshop that he'd talked Thom into creating with the Lyre of Building, looking like she was five or six months pregnant despite the fact that it was only five days since the orgy that had resulted in all of the female members of Egwene and Bode's families getting knocked up. "Trouble?" he asked, half expecting her to have run into trouble dealing with the corrupted Aiel.

"Not particularly, I'm just trying to avoid Nynaeve," Egwene's clone replied as she walked over and sat down in the chair that Mist wasn't using. "She's hovering and it's getting annoying."

"Can you blame her?" Mist asked. "She's our only real healer unless we can grab the other Nynaeve for the day and there are a dozen women that are effectively four or five months pregnant that weren't pregnant a week ago, that's bound to cause her a certain amount of stress."

"I'm aware," the clone replied as she gestured at her belly. "I just needed a break and I'm trying not to say something I'll regret."

"Makes sense, she'll probably calm down once she realizes that the Crown's magic reduces the normal risks of pregnancy," Mist offered, fairly sure she'd calm down in a couple of weeks when the magical children stopped growing insanely quickly. "Are you having any luck with the Samma N'Sei?" he asked, changing the subject as he didn't want to listen to another rant, since he could see where Nynaeve was coming from.

The clone gave Mist a look that said she knew what he was doing. "It might have been kinder to just kill them. The lab coats and the education paddle helped but some of them are just twisted and evil because they want to be and the rest had their minds twisted when they were turned."

"If you can't save them, feel free to have someone kill them while wearing the enchanted buttplug to increase their power," Mist told her, not interested in spending a lifetime trying to fix the bastards, especially since he'd already picked up most of their patterns or their patterns while using the cursed collar.

"I'll deal with it," the clone assured him, not seeing a problem with killing anyone that willingly served a god that would be happy destroying the world or turning it into a nightmare. "Have you had any luck figuring out how to kill the Dark One?"

"Not really, I don't have a decent method to pull him into the world or to keep him from using his powers if we manage to summon him. I'm hoping one of the books from the lab coats has a spell that I can use to kill him but I'll probably have to cobble something together. I've been working on making a guardian that can stop his minions from using his power to obliterate The Two Rivers or various other important locations."

"Have you considered using the Poison Pit spell?" the clone asked thoughtfully. "He's technically in a prison."

Mist stared at Egwene for a couple of seconds as he mentally reviewed the spell. "Okay, let's assume for a second that the spell actually works, we'd need a way to kill him because I doubt it's going to be as simple as stepping on him."

"Yeah, probably not," the clone admitted as she pulled a bag of books out of her belt's inventory and set them on the table. "We'll just have to keep looking."


Turns out, it really was as simple as summoning the six inch demon lord to the arena with a pack of spirit beasts and having them rip him apart. Of course, that's when things got complicated with a pissed off creator god that actually liked the world being a twisted and never ending challenge.

                                                              The End