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"Are you hungover?" Buffy asked as Xander and Dawn walked over to the portal, noticing that he looked like hell.

"I'm not hungover, I'm just exhausted and the walls need soundproofing," Xander complained with a yawn, wishing that he'd gotten a couple of more hours of sleep before being woken up for round eight or nine, he'd lost track at some point after Vivian had shown up at the room and created Alex.

"How come you look chipper?" Buffy asked Dawn.

"I stole the last of Myst's coffee," Dawn lied as she walked over and poked the portal frame, bringing up the menu.

"You fiend, I was saving that!" Myst complained overdramatically like he was a bad stage actor.

Buffy shook her head. "I would have smelled it."

"Fine, I didn't steal his coffee but only because he didn't have any," Dawn admitted as she selected the Infinite Shop from the list of world locations, causing a portal to appear to a dimly lit store with a dozen couches on display along with lamps, end tables and various other things that you'd see in a bedroom. "Unlike Xander, I was drinking plenty of fluids last night."

"I didn't need to hear that, I need coffee," Buffy complained.

"I haven't found a coffee shop blueprint, nor have I gotten unlucky enough to get coffee beans out of the eldritch garden…" Myst trailed off when a group of six faceless and mutated humanoids dressed in yellow shirts with blue pants rushed around a divider in the shop and charged them.

"Excuse me, Sir. The store is closed, you need to vacate the premises," the monsters said in a nice calm voice as they charged the portal.

"Demons?" Buffy asked as she grabbed her lightsaber off her belt and turned it on.

"Probably," Myst replied, wondering why the hell the portal connected to something that looked suspiciously like the Infinite Ikea. "Don't step in the shop, it's cursed."

Xander turned his lightsaber on and watched the demons charge them, looking forward to getting more lightsaber experience.

Myst took a couple of steps back then unleashed his host's cold vision on the twisted employees as soon as they crossed the portal, making it easy for the rest of the group to cut the mutated humanoids apart, leaving six corpses and giving him a hundred and twenty mana for their trouble.

"That was suspiciously easy," Buffy admitted as she glanced between the possibly dead monsters and the portal.

"You have a lightsaber," Myst pointed out as he dumped the mana into increasing the platform connected to the towers.

"That's fair. What are they?" Buffy asked, not familiar with their species.

"No clue," Myst admitted. "I've heard stories about a pocket dimension that's connected to various Ikea stores in different dimensions that has twisted looking employees that try to kill everyone at night but I wasn't expecting to actually find it and none of the stories I've read actually explain what the employees are."

Dawn glanced at Myst then focused on the portal. "What's the plan?"

"You said the shop was cursed, are the supplies cursed?" Xander asked thoughtfully.

"I'm not actually sure if the shop is cursed or just annoyingly large," Myst admitted. "I figured saying it was cursed was easier than explaining when we had monsters charging us."

"Good call," Buffy agreed, knowing she might have stepped through without the warning.

Dawn glanced at the shelves on display. "Do you want me to close it and check the rest of the portals or send some minions to loot? Some of the rooms could use an upgrade."

"I'm aware. Let me check something first." Myst gestured for a group of trolloc skeletons to walk through the portal. "Walk in then walk back out."

Dawn watched the skeletons walk through the portal then turn around and walk back out. "Was that supposed to prove something, the monsters could use the portal."

"Doesn't hurt to check," Myst replied as he checked the skeletons' character sheets, looking for any curses or debuffs. He closed the character sheets when he didn't find anything new and walked through the portal. He glanced around to make sure there weren't any employees lurking around then walked over and grabbed a black leather couch. He dragged it back through the portal and out of the way then smiled at Dawn. "You might as well shut the portal down, we can have someone check the couch for curses then I'll send a group of minions to explore and loot everything to the bedrock."

"Can't you make better stuff?" Dawn asked as she walked over, touched the portal frame and closed the portal.

"In theory," Myst agreed. "In practice, the gremlins need to work on their crafting skills and they can disassemble things for patterns and materials that are problematic or impossible to acquire which should dramatically increase their skills without eating into resources that I need for making buildings and classrooms."

"Do you want to try the magic base or a location under an ocean?" Dawn asked, excited to see a magic base, especially if it was abandoned and they could find fantastic treasures.

"Might as well go with the base, maybe we'll find…" Myst trailed off as the portal opened and he saw Harry Potter and a girl that looked suspiciously like the actress that played Hermione Granger in the movies, if you ignored the fact that she actually had wavy hair, sitting in a library reading books with an unfamiliar teenage girl with long dark hair. "Hello?"

"How did you make a portal?" Sarah asked excitedly as she bounced to her feet, ready to draw her wand in case she had to defend Hermione and Harry.

"Are those lightsabers?" Hermione blurted out.

"Yes," Myst replied with amusement as he glanced between Harry and the girl that was probably Hermione and the unfamiliar girl with dark hair and blue eyes. "I enchanted a portal frame. Dawn can switch it between a city under the ocean, a demon town, a desert planet, a creepy and possibly infinite furniture shop, a magic girl town and a magic base, you're the magic base."

"Desert planet?" Sarah asked, not sure that she believed him.

"It doesn't have a lot of water, thus it's basically a desert," Myst replied, not seeing a point in explaining about the aliens glassing the planet a few thousand years ago.

"Myst?" Harry asked, recognizing his voice.

"Last I checked," Myst replied with a grin, glad to see that Harry was real. "How did you end up in a magical base?"

"I finished the tutorial and my bedroom under the stairs got an upgrade and I found Sarah sleeping in a coffin like Sleeping Beauty," Harry explained.

"He woke me up with a kiss, I'm keeping him," Sarah stated firmly. "How do you know Harry?"

Myst focused on Sarah. "I accidentally summoned him during a tutorial with a malfunctioning magical item and he helped me do some enchanting then vanished through the door in the lab."

Harry scowled as he remembered the crazy plan and running for his life. "You can't blame me for running, the imp was seconds from exploding."

Myst laughed. "Considering that was the plan, of course not. I'm just glad that everything worked out."

"How did you make a functioning lightsaber?" Hermione asked excitedly.

Dawn shook her head. "We found them when we got dropped on Tatooine, I'm not actually sure how they work."

"Tatooine? As in Luke Skywalker's home planet? Can you get more?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"Not currently," Buffy said, not interested in giving a kid a lightsaber.

Xander shook his head. "The parts are a bit hard to come by."

"Does that mean Star Wars is real?" Harry asked, only having a vague idea what the movie was about thanks to the Dursleys' hatred of anything that wasn't 'normal' and boring.

"Star Wars?" Sarah asked, not sure what they were talking about.

"Real enough or at least it's real in another dimension. It's basically a movie about fictional magic users in space that got wiped out by a dark lord. Speaking of other dimensions, can I bribe someone to make a trip to a magical bookshop and get me a bunch of books?"

"Why?" Sarah asked.

"I'm basically in charge of a flying city and I started a magic school. I have some halfway decent magic teachers, but our collection of spells isn't quite as impressive as I'd like," Myst admitted.

"Can we get some introductions?" Buffy asked as she turned her lightsaber off, figuring things were safe for the moment.

"Sure, Buffy and Dawn Summers, Xander Harris, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger," Myst offered as he pointed at the various people. "No clue on the last person."

"Sarah Granger, I'm Hermione's great aunt," Sarah replied with a smile.

Dawn glanced between Hermione and Sarah. "You look pretty young to be a great aunt, are you immortal?"

"Not currently," Sarah replied with a shrug. "I was put in stasis for fifty years because of a prophecy."

"Prophecies suck," Buffy complained.

"Unless you break them," Xander said smugly, which the slayer responded maturely to by extending her tongue in his direction.

"How did you know my name?" Hermione asked.

"I've heard stories about your world or a world close to it since I've never heard of Sarah and you don't normally meet Harry before the train ride to Hogwarts. Speaking of Hogwarts, can I talk you into attending one of my magic schools?"

"I was planning on heading back to Hogwarts in the fall assuming I can clear things up with the headmaster but I wouldn't mind auditing some classes." Sarah glanced at Index. "Is the school open to house elves?"

"It's open to anyone with magic that is able and willing to be a decent student," Myst assured her.

"Some of the elves could use the practice," Index mused, thinking of the children.

"What do you think?" Sarah asked Harry and Hermione.

"I'd love to learn magic," Harry replied, figuring a couple of weeks of classes would help even if he eventually switched to Hogwarts.

"When can we start?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"I should have everything ready in an hour or two," Myst replied, fairly sure he'd be able to get everything done in twenty minutes if he spent extra mana on the school and the gremlins finished making the cushions, but wanting extra time in case he ran into issues.

Sarah nodded. "That should give us plenty of time to visit Diagon Alley. What's your budget like for books?"

"I'm going to grab Willow," Xander said as he turned and headed for the inn to grab the girls.

"Thanks." Myst pulled several bars of gold out of his storage. "Decent."

Index smiled when he saw the bars of gold. "I might have a better suggestion. If you're willing to settle for old editions, we have a large collection of duplicates that we'd be willing to part with, assuming the Missus agrees."

Sarah turned to look at her house elf. "Why do we have a large collection of duplicates?"

"We're allowed to buy books to increase the collection, we're not allowed to sell anything without permission and we've bought a number of lots from estate sales over the last fifty years to acquire rare books as well as making sure we have the most up to date copies of various books."

"I trust you," Sarah assured her house elf.

"Excellent, this will free up a couple of storerooms," Index said happily as he levitated the gold bars through the portal. "I doubt you'll be disappointed." He grabbed the gold bars and teleported to the vault.

"A couple of store rooms?" Harry asked, trying to picture owning a couple of store rooms filled with books and having a hard time.

"It's been fifty years and two wars," Sarah replied with a shrug. "I'm not surprised that they ended up with a large collection."

Index reappeared without the bars. "Where do you want the books?"

"Can you hold onto them for a couple of hours until I've finished setting everything up for the other school? I don't trust the gremlins with the library, especially when I don't have a decent librarian," Myst admitted.

"Gremlins shouldn't be allowed near books!" Index stated firmly, looking like he'd bit into a rotten lemon. "Can they travel through the portal?"

"You should be fine, I gave them orders to avoid the portal unless ordered," Myst assured him.

Index shook his head back and forth a couple of times. "Gremlins are tricky!"

"How hard is it to close the portal?" Sarah asked, trying to avoid Index having a meltdown.

"Easy, I just touch the portal and turn it off," Dawn explained.

"That makes it easier," Sarah said as she walked through the portal. "I'm sure we can figure out something to stay busy for a couple of hours, I've always wanted to explore a flying city."

"Does the wizarding world have a lot of flying cities?" Hermione asked as she followed Sarah through the portal.

"Not that I know of but wizards also like to hide things they're not supposed to have," Sarah replied as Harry walked through the portal.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Index asked, worried about losing Sarah again after they just found her.

"Safe enough, I'll check back in a couple of hours," Sarah replied and sighed in relief when Dawn closed the portal. "Thanks, they mean well but they’ve all been really clingy since I woke up."

"Can you open the portal to the Infinite Ikea?" Myst asked Dawn. "I'm going to need cushions for the school and the gremlins should be able to take everything apart for materials."

Dawn laughed as she selected the Infinite Ikea and opened the portal. "No problem, no point in paying for things when you can loot it for free."

Sarah stared at the furniture on display. "Who owns the shop?"

"No one, it's basically a weird pocket dimension," Myst explained as he tried to figure out the best way to loot everything.

"Nice," Sarah replied with a smile.

"How many cushions do you need?" Harry asked.

"At least fifty but I don't want people getting lost, the store is larger than a lot of cities and the employees are basically insane at night and it's currently night in the store," Myst warned them.

"Don't worry, I can deal with the employees," Buffy assured them.

"And I'll grab the cushions," Harry replied as he used his telekinesis to start grabbing cushions and pulling them towards him.

"You…" Myst trailed off when he saw a dozen cushions flying toward them. "You picked up some spells in the tutorial, didn't you?"

"Just a couple, I also have a spell that conjures underwear and custom t-shirts," Harry replied with a grin as he started stacking the cushions on the couch.

"That sounds useful." Myst mentally ordered his crafting team to grab the cushions and start disassembling them for parts. He opened his build menu and started working on expanding the platform he was using for the resource nodes.

Hermione glanced between Harry and Sarah. "I need to catch up."

"Let's start with Wingardium Leviosa," Sarah suggested as she drew her wand and pointed at a bench. "It's a simple levitation charm that should free up Harry to grab heavier objects and it's good practice."

"Wingardium Leviosa," Hermione chanted as she pointed her ring at one of the blankets, causing it to lurch slightly.

"Just keep trying, it just takes a bit of practice," Sarah assured her.


Buffy walked over to the edge of the main platform and glanced at the five foot wide ramp that dropped down thirty feet from the resource platform and connected to a five foot strip of float stone that stretched three hundred feet before curving up and connecting to a square that was probably about two hundred and fifty feet on each side. "Is there a reason you're using ramps rather than a bridge?"

"I'm cutting corners, it's going to be the bottom part of a pond when I get enough stone," Myst explained as he pulled up his schematic for the School of Twisted Delights and double checked the requirements. 'Five hundred stone and gems, two hundred wood, one hundred glass, three hundred metal, three hundred and fifty fabric and a hundred and fifty cushions.'

"You're putting the school in the middle of a pond? Are you planning on putting fish or monsters in it?" Buffy asked.

"That's the idea. I'm leaning towards fish and water plants or just leaving it a nice safe swimming pool for the students to enjoy and work on their water related skills," Myst said as he dropped four hundred units of clear float stone, fifty units of clear floatstone that he'd enchanted with the Flamemarble enchant and fifty units of the Prismstone into the box for his new school to cover the stone requirements.

Buffy smiled as she thought about sprawling on a beach with a decent book and relaxing, something she hadn't been able to do in a while thanks to worrying about slaying or her mother's health. "That would also let you make a beach."

"That's a solid argument for skipping the monsters," Myst agreed as he dropped fifty units of Veil Glass and Abyssglass into the box before changing his mind and swapping the Abyssglass for more Veil Glass. 'No point borrowing trouble when it's supposed to be the safe school.' He tossed a hundred units of Frost Iron wood and fifty units of Faerie Wood and Somber Wood into the box. 'That should give everyone the faerie boost and might help with soundproofing everything,' he mused as he tossed the last of his celestial bronze into the box. He covered the rest of the metal with Shadowcopper then tossed fifty Blood Silk and three hundred units of Angelic Weave into the box, mostly because he was curious if he'd end up with something interesting.

'Not sure that purple is the right color for all of the cushions but at least the leather is renewable,' he mused as he tossed the surprisingly comfortable cushions into the box then tossed in five hundred units worth of rubies from the chest and hit the button. He smiled as a window appeared with a list of his available classroom options. 'Pick one quality to apply to my starting classroom? That's probably because it's my second school.'

He selected the Nudist quality, figuring that a thirty percent boost for being naked had a decent chance to synergize with just about anything that the system gave him. He frowned when his window changed to a slot machine display and started spinning. "Great, random chance."

"On what?" Buffy asked as she pulled her attention away from the portal where Willow and her siblings were talking to Harry's group.

Myst glanced at Buffy. "My starting classroom."

Buffy shrugged. "You can always build more, right?"

"Yeah," Myst replied as the slots slowed to a stop, revealing Mystic Ink as the classroom selected. 'Missed Erotic Dancing and Fire Dancing, I can live with that.' He tapped the accept button and watched the slot machine restart. "It just feels like the system is taunting me, especially when I can't see the rest of the prizes I could have won."

"It could be worse, you could have started with a generic classroom," Buffy pointed out.

"True," Myst admitted as the wheel stopped. "Huh, I just got a Fluffy Cloud Bedroom of Sin for the school."

Buffy shook her head. "That's a bit weird."

"Yeah," Myst agreed as the slot machine window vanished, leaving him with a model that looked like a crystal model of a Greek temple and opening his city map. He placed the school on the square platform that he'd constructed for it and assigned his construction team and the various cat girls to finish it then paid the mana to speed up the process.

"Shadow School of Fey Delights acquired and unlocked."

Buffy stared as a massive foundation appeared on the platform for a couple of seconds before a collection of catgirls appeared and started building the massive crystal temple, going from a simple stone foundation to a massive stone building with crystal pillars that seemed to contain living flames over the next ten seconds. "Did you get anything good?"

"Not sure," Myst replied as he opened the menu for his new school and looked at his options for acquiring minions and teachers. "Ooh, I can pay two hundred mana to conjure a portal to a shadow realm."

"Why is that a good thing?" Buffy asked.

"There's a five percent chance of the portal opening to a cave filled with shadow related nodes that can be harvested, a ten percent chance of creating a shadow duplicate of a random student, a fifteen percent chance that the portal merely snaps shut or causes a random temporary condition, a twenty percent chance to unleash a horde of uncontrolled shadow monsters that have to be defeated, a twenty percent chance of creating a shadow pet token that I can give to students or sell in a shop and a thirty percent chance to pull a random student into a shadow dungeon filled with monsters that they have to defeat to escape, granting them loot and experience if they survive."

"That sounds like a good way to kill your students," Buffy complained.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm planning on being careful," Myst assured her as he looked at the description for the three teacher's rooms. 'Fluffy Cloud Bedroom of Sin. Heaven themed bedroom with floating clouds that you can lay on. The teacher regularly lures students to their bedroom for private instruction, resulting in the students gaining experience in a random magical skill the teacher possesses and decreasing their stress level. There's a ten percent chance to remove a negative trait per visit and a five percent chance that the student learns how to summon angelic wings that allow them to fly. That's probably from using the Angelic Weave, totally worth it.'

"When are you planning on creating a portal?" Buffy asked, figuring the shadows would probably give her a decent amount of experience with her lightsaber.

"I was thinking about creating the portal before we start assigning students or at least actual people," Myst replied as he assigned Ms. Frankenstein, Ms. Simpson and Sabrina Weird to the three teaching slots for the new school, figuring they were the safest and least offensive teachers he had, as long as no one annoyed Wendy's twin to the point that she tossed them into a cursed painting.

"I'll grab Xander and Dawn on the off chance that you summon a horde of shadow monsters," Buffy said as she headed back towards the portal.

"I appreciate it," Myst replied as he glanced over his available test subjects. 'I need people that I want to copy and I need someone that can survive the shadow dungeon or I need someone that I don't care about. Tiffany Inks? Bethany Inks?' He pulled up their sheets. 'Ah, Vivian created twins of our insane nurse and they're just as effective without the sadistic trait? Yoink!'

Myst swapped Tiffany into the head nurse slot then tossed Nurse Inks into the new school as a student. Sally and Bethany Wilkins, not sure how Vivian managed to get Wilkins to knock up his twins but that means he's expendable on the off chance that the shadow dungeon manages to kill him. Of course, if it manages to kill him, it's basically a death trap for everyone else.'

Myst assigned Richard to a student slot then added the best dairy girl as a student, mostly because Vivian had already created twins of her which meant that she was reasonably expendable and there was a chance that she'd get copied which would be fantastic. 'Here's hoping the dairy girl doesn't get tossed into a shadow realm.' He pushed the button and paid the two hundred mana to open a portal.

Myst watched the video and of the teachers in a room doing a ritual that resulted in a shadowy portal opening and a puppy made out of what looked like black ink tumbling out of the portal a couple of seconds later.

"Shadow Puppy token acquired. Pet battling unlocked. Pet Arena unlocked."

Myst checked the token's description. 'Gives you the ability to summon a shadow puppy, if it dies you can just resummon it. Low strength, high agility and decent vitality, that could work as a distraction or a tank if we stick some armor on it.'

Myst hit the button and paid another two hundred mana to create a portal, getting a shadow cat token. "Third time's the charm." He hit the portal button again, getting yet another puppy token. "Random chance my ass," he muttered as he hit the button, bringing up a video that showed the dairy girl getting sucked into a portal then spit out along with a pale skinned copy with red hair that was so dark it was almost black. He pulled up the sheet for his new minion and the cowgirl and compared the sheets. 'Seventy five mana instead of seventy, an advanced shadow affinity instead of the basic version and a shadow step ability. No derangements or issues, nice.'

"Have you managed to wreck the school yet?" Nathan asked cheerfully as he walked over with the rest of the group.

Myst closed the character sheets and turned to look at the large group, rather amused that the girls had taken advantage of Harry's ability to conjure t-shirts to grab some amusing ones. "Not yet but I managed to make a shadowy copy of one of the dairy girls and picked up three tokens that give people the ability to summon a shadow pet which is pretty cool."

"Shadow pet?" Xander asked.

"They're basically summonable combat pets that you can resummon if they go splat, meaning they're probably worth equipping with decent gear in case you run into trouble," Myst explained as he pushed the portal button and spent the mana to open another portal. He frowned slightly when a video appeared on his HUD showing Wilkins getting dropped into a portal. He pulled up Richard's sheet. 'Unavailable: Location Shadow Realm. Duration: Five minutes.'

"Are you selling the pets?" Sarah asked hopefully.

"Not unless I figure out a better way to get them or if the shadow realm proves less of a pain in the ass than I'm expecting. I'll probably give them away as prizes for research or dueling contests," Myst replied as he hit the button and spent the mana to summon another portal.

"Dueling contests?" Hermione asked.

"Knowing how to defend yourself is important and practice is one of the best ways to increase your combat skills short of actual combat," Myst stated as he watched the video, rather amused by the dark green turtle falling out of the portal then rolling to his feet with a smug look. 'I think the percentages are a bit off or I'm just lucky.'

"When can we explore the school?" Sunny asked as she bounced on her feet, looking forward to learning magic.

"Let me swap one of the students I was using as a test subject," Myst replied as he reassigned Mr. Inks to Ms. Raspberry's class, figuring he'd piss her off enough to vanish. He sent the group guest invites for the Mystic Ink class. "You're welcome to take a class, it should be starting shortly."

Hermione took a step back in surprise when a transparent window appeared in front of her asking if she wanted to be enrolled in the Mystic Ink class. "How do I accept the class?"

"Tap the yes button or say yes," Myst explained as Harry reached up and hit the accept button, already familiar with the system.

"Mystic tattoos, this is going to be awesome!" Thea squealed as she tapped the button then headed toward the bridge that would take them to the new school with a skip in her steps.

"Hell yeah!" Sunny agreed as she chased after her twin, the pace causing her t-shirt to ride up and show off her butt.

Hermione pulled her attention away from Sunny's behind and tapped the button. "Thank you."

"We appreciate it," Tara told Myst with a smile.

"You're welcome," Myst assured the girls as the rest of the group accepted the class invite. "I should have more classes and the student dorms built by the time you finish your first class."

Dawn smiled as she grabbed Xander's arm and followed her sisters, looking forward to learning everything she could since they had a system to help.

"Let's go," Alexis said as she followed Dawn and her brother.

"Sure," Alex agreed as she followed her siblings, looking forward to taking classes.

'Hopefully the classes are as good as the ones at St. Trinians,' Harry thought as he followed the girls.

'At least they're having fun, now I just have to make sure it's worth continuing,' Myst mused as he watched the group head to the school. He opened his building menu and looked at his options for apartments as he headed back towards the portal. He glanced at the apartment pattern that was basically nothing but walls then looked over the more expensive options, trying to figure out the best way to house the students that didn't require an insane amount of resources.

'How many rooms can I get if I swap things to a dorm style set up with a bathroom per floor?' He adjusted things then sighed when he realized that the only locker room pattern he had was cursed. 'New plan, add an extra classroom then deal with the showers.'

He pulled up his list of classrooms that he could make and selected the Alchemy and Nudist classrooms. 'That's almost double the experience for Alchemy.' He glanced at the Anatomy classroom. 'They'd probably get experience for all three but it might limit their options a bit too much. Keep it simple, you have more than one alchemy teacher. Linking it to the Anatomy class sounds good for the second class, especially if I'm training the crazy nurses.'

Myst glanced at the requirements to create the classroom. 'Burners, hotplates, stoves or fireplaces, a hundred units of metal, probably for the cauldrons, two hundred stone and fifty wood. Should I waste the Shadowcopper? It might give me a bonus on making shadow related elixirs and I might be able to get resources from the portal ritual.'

'Screw it, I can always try to upgrade or fix it later, this is a shadow school. I might as well lean into the theme,' Myst told himself as he tossed a hundred units of Shadowcopper into the box. He added the magical burners that he'd salvaged from the basilisk's room to cover the burner requirement then tossed in two hundred units of stone, not seeing a reason to use agate since he didn't have an endless amount. He tossed in fifty units of Frost Iron Wood because he didn't really want the Faerie Wood contaminating the potions then pushed the button.

"Nudist's Classroom of Shadow Alchemy acquired and unlocked."

Myst checked the description of the new room. 'The fifty percent boost to learning Alchemy matches the other Alchemy classroom, same with the thirty percent from the Nudist quality. Five percent chance per class for the students to get an Alchemy trait that reduces the time it takes to create any alchemy product by two percent and it stacks up to twenty percent, fantastic.' He read over the note about having a five percent chance to pick up the Shadow Touched trait that increased the amount of alchemy experience they receive for creating shadow related products by five percent, stacking up to twenty times.

'Yeah, I'm going to have to take some classes,' Myst mused as he reached the Wicked School.

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