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Im so proud of these  ladies! Who ever said finessing is dead they lied 😉 I’m not opening The exclusive  finesse tier until the next week or so. The reason being is I want everyone on this level. I want these girls to not need my help anymore then I can bring in a new group of girls.. so stay tuned.  In meanwhile I will still being posting helpful tips and exclusive videos. If you need to upgrade to the ultimate finesse then please do so ! 💖

Happy finessing ladies 🤑💓🙏🏾

All love,




Can someone please find a way to change location on Bumble.. lol im missing out!


please go under the post that say facts!! ( in the title) i posted a few days ago there are comments about changing GPS, Please make sure you are scrolling down the thread there are a lot of helpful tips on here hun 🌟


Can I send you my pictures to make sure there on point??