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1. Ho tactics FREE 

2. The art of seduction

3.A Gold Digger’s Guide: How to Get What You Want Without Giving it Up

4. The Prada plan (novel)

5. Coldest winter ever (Novel)

6. Thong on fire (novel)

7. The subtle art of not giving a fuck 

8.Sugar baby bible ( is not available on the web any more not sure why but here are some notes from the book : https://germansugarbaby.tumblr.com/post/182482128581/sugar-baby-bible-by-elle-notes

BTW ( 1,6 &7 are my favorites)

These are some reading suggestions to elevate your finesse.

ALL love,





I also have a suggestion, Weapons of mass seduction, helped me learn to be more confident and be sexy for myself first before I thought about being sexy for a man


I’m reading ho tactics