THE LEVEL UP IS 24/7 and being realistic about where you stand in “the game” (Patreon)
Good morning ladies❤️❤️❤️ I just want to reiterate that the level up is 24/7 all around thing. So please make sure that you are becoming your best self Not for men but for you too. You need to be ready mentally , physically & emotionally. Knowing that you have weight to lose or you can’t dress that well does not mean you have low self esteem it’s actually the opposite. A lot women won’t admit these things to theirselves but if your strong enough to know you have to work on yourself then that’s when the level Up begins. this goes beyond weight tbh the presentation has to be put together period ! Yes all shapes and sizes can attract men who spend money but we are targeting a certain demographic and we should look our best period ! It’s not going to happen overnight but we should work at it little by little. I am not saying you have to look like these ig baddies but you need to be version of yourself and that’s just period ♥️