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Good morning 🥰 HAPPY MONEYDAY/MONDAY! May your week your week be filled with finesse 🧞‍♀️

👋🏾 How are you ?

Are you selling yourself short? HOPE NOT

Feeling like this  isn’t going to happen for you? 🙄

well listen to this podcast and comment your thoughts below ⬇️⬇️⬇️

I am not going to do a long a caption for this podcast I will let it speak for itself🤫

some of y'all need to this hear it tho ..

* I meant Chanel # 5 in the podcast lol 😂 

ALL ❤️,




when i first started in codependents anonymous 4-5 years ago. that 12 step program gave me the confidence before i found sugaring. so i did the self work before i started this new journey.


I completely agree! Men can smell a desperate woman miles away. It’s the same for confidence! It’s a MUST